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I Have Something to Say

So, I just want to share this here, because my anonymity here ensures I can get this off my chest and let conform to my motto of "A gentleman never kisses and tells".

Yesterday my sweet friend Jenn wrote an amazing poem about what constitutes Happiness. An amazing read.
That made me think of what constitutes my own happiness. Each individual will define happiness in their own way and that is perfectly fine, as long as your happiness doesn't cause someone else's grief.

Here is what makes ME really happy. It is the thought that I was able to make a difference on someone else's life and brought a smile to their faces. How do I do that? By constantly striving to help bring a change, to the extent I can within my means. By God's grace I have more than enough for myself, so I am going to go to the local wholesale store and clean out a lot of the items required for the local food pantry that serves the less fortunate than me.

To think that someone will sleep stomach full because of me... That is my happiness right there - and they won't even know who I am (and that's the way I like it). :)

Cheers everyone and have a fantastic weekend! :D :)
bellybuttonfan17 · 36-40, M
Am I am so happy to show you Boston... Especially in the Summer. :)

Hard to best this City in the Summer.

MaliaAgain · 36-40, F
Well that and the memes
Darina · F
He is happy, who was among the torments,
Among the anxieties and passions noisy life,
Like the rose that blooms thoughtlessly
And it is easier for the running waters of the shadows.
Anna Akhmatova
bellybuttonfan17 · 36-40, M
@OurUser: Why thank you so much! :) That is the sweetest thing I have heard said to me all week. :) Hearted!
bellybuttonfan17 · 36-40, M
@Belle: You know it southern girl! ;) I am so glad to meet you too! ;) Some day you will show me the Southern shores. :)
UserNameSW · 46-50, M
Your happiness makes us all better people. Wish there was more like you.
you are an amazing person and I am glad to have met you..😉
Ynotjenn · F
Aww! Thanks for sharing! So glad I got you thinking :)
MaliaAgain · 36-40, F
and that's why we love you
Darina · F
Darina · F
I read your stories...
but I do not understand...
why do you like someone else's life?
Darina · F
each person must be in the first place their own lives ...
you do not have it?
well I would definitely show you the mountains of Carolina.
[image/video deleted]
bellybuttonfan17 · 36-40, M
That's a lovely poem Xal! 😍😘
bellybuttonfan17 · 36-40, M
Thanks for sharing Xal. :)
bellybuttonfan17 · 36-40, M
Xal: hahaha I am already first in my life and have much more than I need. So I prefer to help others!
bellybuttonfan17 · 36-40, M
@Malia: Awww Thank you! :) That means so much. 🤗

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