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I Have Something to Say

its got well passed the stage of me needing a break from this place. tired of feeling like I'm on a porn forum/message board.
I came here to meet awesome people and at the beginning this place was amazing for just that, now this place is just flooded with pervs, creeps and trolls..

hopefully after a break I will decide to come back so I just don't feel so burnt out about this place and get to talk again to my awesome internet buddies..

hope you all are doing well and hope to chat again one day :)
GlassDog · 46-50, M
I'm really sorry to hear that this was your experience on the site, although not entirely surprised. I do strongly believe that we shouldn't have to accept this, and that you should be able to use the site just to talk to people who aren't so obsessed with one thing only.
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
@Glassdog, ilostmypants and FeetAreFantasic, I will miss you guys. you are all awesome amazing people :)

@Genius, I'm not going to change or lie about myself in the attempts to avoid some perves. Unlike some, I am online to be myself not just a bunch of lies.. that's just me though :)
GeniUs · 56-60, M
if you don't want perves, just put yourself down as male. Block the porn type stuff by only accepting non-adult stories.
Loretta78 · 46-50, F
I didnt´t have as much problems as you. But I am very selective and careful to the persons where I am chatting with.

Maybe it´s the right way when you take a break, and I also hope that after the break you will come back again.

There are possiblities here to check out trolls and pervs and to do something that they can´t contact you.

I wish you all the best!
GlassDog · 46-50, M
@PlumBerries You'll be missed here too. I initially considered asking if you'd stay, but that didn't seem the right thing, given the type of attention you're getting. That certainly doesn't mean I'm happy to see you leave, though.
Just block people that are doing this . If it wasn't for the block option I'd not be on this site . We choose who we engage in conversation with on here , we aren't held against our will to interact with certain types of people . It's your choice .
randomruth · F
i'll miss you 😢
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
Thanks GlassDog, maybe will be back sooner then expected, will just see if I end up missing this place sooner then I think. the people (some anyway) I will miss, not so much the place..

I wish you wouldn't but I get it. I hope you come back sooner rather then later, enjoy your break 🙂
That's what I did. I didn't log on for a couple of weeks and now I feel like I can use SW again :)
GlassDog · 46-50, M
@PlumBerries Hope so! Either way, whether you come back or not, take care!
GeniUs · 56-60, M
well in that case you'll attract them and it's spoilt your experience.
xTutu7x · F
Oh no! I will miss your posts. I hope that you change your mind.
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
@Loretta, thank you and I'm glad your time here is more pleasant
randomruth · F
@genius. you're completely missing the point 🙄
Aw good luck. Is your account set to "Adult"?
Azuriela · 46-50, F
@plum well damn. There goes another one of the few good ones😞 You will be missed
GeniUs · 56-60, M
what is the point then?
FeetAreFantastic · 41-45, M
Sad to see you go. But good luck to you and hope to see you back here some day.

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