I have to say
The thing that has broken my heart the most since the election cycle of 2016 started is the exposure of people I thought were good people as....
Really stupid and petty or
Willfully ignorant
Or completely in denial
Or happily complacent...
Or downright racist and bigoted.
It really hurts when you find out people you thought were your people are actually terribly naive and maybe willfully so.
I do not want to be naive. I also do not want to have to fight my people to convince them of what can be seen and understood.
And if I am hyperbolic...GOOD. We should be right now.
The other day I realized that I have filtered myself to make others feel comfortable. I look at news and get anxious and angry. I told a coworker I needed to stop looking and that it makes me angry.
She said something that told me that I want her to be one of my people:
"Don't stop looking. Keep looking. Get angry. Be angry. Stay angry. You should be."
Really stupid and petty or
Willfully ignorant
Or completely in denial
Or happily complacent...
Or downright racist and bigoted.
It really hurts when you find out people you thought were your people are actually terribly naive and maybe willfully so.
I do not want to be naive. I also do not want to have to fight my people to convince them of what can be seen and understood.
And if I am hyperbolic...GOOD. We should be right now.
The other day I realized that I have filtered myself to make others feel comfortable. I look at news and get anxious and angry. I told a coworker I needed to stop looking and that it makes me angry.
She said something that told me that I want her to be one of my people:
"Don't stop looking. Keep looking. Get angry. Be angry. Stay angry. You should be."