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Im irked and annoyed.

That i have to prove i live in the same place every year at my child's school.

And also that I have to provide them with more than a signed lease. Practically my whole life. A copy of a bill AND a copy of ANOTHER BILL. despite the first being the gas bill ...just fucking stupid.

That is all.

Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
Spumoni · 46-50, M
Common sense has left the building. "It's procedure" is what I would get from the secretary. LOL! I feel your pain.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
What is their explanation?

Bearing in mind an answer like "because it's part of the system" or "our normal procedure" shows only your respondent does not know!

If so, I'd be tempted to ask, "So if you don't know why, it's obviously not necessary!"

What would they do if you refuse?
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
What's that all about? We had three children go to school in Norway over a period of about twenty years and I don't remember ever having to do any of that ever; never mind every year.
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
@ninalanyon Because we rent they want an updated lease every year. I wouldn't be as upset if that was it...but they need a signed lease and then also an affidavit signed by the landlord saying

" YES they live here, at this address that is written on the lease which i, the landlord has already signed and now i am signing this affidavit that says as much. "

And also a utility bill and also a credit card bill or bank statement

And also a copy of your ID.

But today they had an issue with the way the landord wrote the lease and corrected the year at the top. Despite having all the other proof that we live where we say we do(like the affidavit the landord signed just yesterday)...they wanted to not accept that lease and ask me for a new one. I said no way. You have all this other proof you dont need any more.

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