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Ok I need to get my shit together. I'm going to shame myself for a minute.

I need to get my crap together seriously. I live like a damn slob and it's a minefield trying to maneuver sometimes. Ok yeah my house is older and smaller. I live in one of those old bungalows you see in older neighborhoods but it's no excuse for my messy ass.

I went bar hopping last night and yeah I came home drunk but nearly destroyed myself getting into the bathroom. It's small and cluttered and that damn litter box needs to go somewhere else.

My bedroom you can't walk in at all. My kitchen is nasty. My living room isn't so bad but it's cluttered.

Just a few examples. Im mad at myself for letting things get this bad. It looks like a crack house. I need to quit drinking and drugging and whatever the hell else has been making me so lazy and complacent and get it together. No wonder i never invite anyone over it's embarrassing. No wonder I always go out because who wants to be here.

I hope you can learn to like yourself a little better so you’ll feel you deserve better than this.
buriedalive · 46-50, M
@OlderSometimesWiser ive always struggled with that
come2gether · 51-55, M
Just do one room at a time. And if you're wondering why your water bill is so high, it's because you left the bathroom sink running
buriedalive · 46-50, M
@come2gether im gonna be cleaning til Christmas
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
Tackle one room at a time and be ruthless !!!

Everything that doesn't serve your here and now is superfluous.

Bin it or store it.
buriedalive · 46-50, M
@Picklebobble2 i got a lot of work to do
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
You deserve to live better. Throw out all of the garbage and what you don’t use
buriedalive · 46-50, M
@Jenny1234 I have a lot of work to do
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
@buriedalive yes you do. But it will all be worth it
You just made the first step of recovery, self admission. Don't try to go all gung ho into cleaning and clearing, take it slow and work it like a grid pattern. Trust me, my own mother is a packrat herself, it once took me five hours to clean out her freezer and fridge, throwing out about 70 pounds of expired food, one package of meat counter steak had a date going back to six years prior.
buriedalive · 46-50, M
@NativePortlander1970 ill be cleaning to Christmas
@buriedalive Just take it with small steps and you'll start making and seeing progress before you know it.

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