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Jayces · 26-30, M
You can probably also blame Zuck the Cuck for building himself a reputation that attracts these kinds of requests, whether publicly or behind closed doors.

berangere · 80-89, F
Angela Merkel knows she made a monumental blunder in opening her borders to hordes of male "refugees" but like most politicians she does not want her mistakes pointed out to her and to the world.So she tries to hush up as much as possible, all the refugees related crimes,by having her government play them down as much as it can get away with by controlling the media, Cologne was a prime example.She knows that Facebook is a far reaching social site,so she tries to control this as well.She is just covering her own back,because her policies have caused a great amount of in many cases irreversible harm to her own people and there is very little she can do about it now except attempting to stop people talking about it.
berangere · 80-89, F

Now I am the one who is called "hateful" and "islamophobic" for mentioning and sharing videos about such practices,not the rapists OH NO! Not a word said about them!
Carissimi · F
@berangere: You are right on all counts.

As for the Islamic apologists and deniers, well we are well aware of Taqiyya, and how it's expected of Muslims to lie and deceive non Muslims. What can we expect from a religion/political ideology that commands its followers to lie to the infidels? It's nothing to them because we are nothing to them. We (especially women) are below cattle.
Carissimi · F
@berangere: OMG!!! This is terrifying and horrendous. I knew about it, but I've never seen it visually. I could never imagine how terrifying it could be. I was thinking it was a small group of men...which is scary enough...but to see it like this? There is absolutely no chance of escape. There are hundreds of them.

Merkel and her ilk should be standing trial for these atrocities against her own citizen women.

Anyone, I mean ANYONE, who criticizes the messenger and not the rapists, or marauding mobs of Muslims, is no better than these disgusting criminals. However, we must understand that Islamofacists/leftists/elites/Marxist, or whatever you want to call them, always blame the innocent while giving free reign to the perps. Students at the university where the Somalian mowed down and knifed their fellow students are now calling the terrorist's death a police on black shooting, as if the policeman who killed the terrorist is to blame for killing a troubled migrant. No mention of the students attacked. That's not important to these lunatics, and they are lunatics. They defy reality and common sense. Men are now women and vice versa. Rape is now blamed on the woman (sharia), while the rapist (except if he's non Muslim) is made to be the victim. Up is down. Inside is outside. Black is white. They have turned reality on its head. I do believe they are insane. It's like mass hysteria, only insanity.
You know that you are going to get some leftist leaning people on here that will criticize the credability of your story just because of the source? That is a given.

But that is a shame. I have never respected Mark-at all. And I wil not be a member of that site- for a lot of reasons. but Merkel also shows what a pinhead she is.
Carissimi · F
They can criticize all they like, but that does not change the facts. They can look it up for themselves. However, facts are hate speech to the Cultural Marxists.
jim44444 · 70-79, M
Seems to be the MO of every politician. Suppress all dissenting opinion, rewrite history, lie, double speak, break promises. I guess they learned what works by watching their counterparts and predecessors.
adshaw · 36-40, M
She was born in DDR, what can one expect? The Germans are second only to the Swedes in being the most self defeating Europeans.
berangere · 80-89, F
berangere · 80-89, F
@Carissimi: [youtube=]
Carissimi · F
@berangere: Isn't it refreshing to listen to rational and logical people with common sense?

Where the hell are the feminists regarding the rape culture of German women? If this (in the other video you posted) were white males, it would be all over the news and condemned by the world, but because it's Muslims, its overlooked. WTH!!!
berangere · 80-89, F
@Carissimi: it is overlooked because the words "islamophobia" "racist" and "bigot" are working very well indeed!

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