One of my friends keeps having ago at me for the job I do
Apparently 22 isnt old enough. Im 22. By the way I do respect her and I like her , shes an good person but she wont stop randomly messaging me about why I shouldnt do it , she hates pole fitness too , she thinks its all bad and hates strippers even more , im trying hard not to have ago at her but shes really upsetting me because she knows very little about me and my job , shes 19. How do I educate her ? And explain to her Im not in any danger and I dont have sex with the clients ? I know some strippers do but I wouldnt ever do that. I dont do drugs either as I think they are an waste of money and mess you up. Im really close to loosing my temper but I dont want to. I just told her Its ok that you dont like it , I wont hold that against you. Its ok not to like it , but its my choice what I do in my life and we cant always agree on everything and that im an legal adult and she should do research. By the way I never told her , she seen one photo on instagram and judged my whole job based on an that.