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Taxes, taxes, taxes

We all pay them.

Your taxes aren't more special than mine.

Mine help pay the same shit your taxes helps to pay. If i get help from the government.. it was never your specific taxes that provided the help.

But if we want to talk about taxes being misused.. talk about the money the government took from Social Security and does not want to return to social security ...so their plan (the republicans) is to do away with social security.

All that money you paid to have at the end of your career...

Instead.....you will be mad at fellow taxpayers for pushing the government to support them with their own taxes....And not be mad at the right people...

I have never figured out why so many people will lick the boots of those who control them like puppets with lies and manipulations. They will fight for their right to be poor pawns for a government who has convinced them they must work themselves to death to be good.
WalksWith · 56-60, F
"The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness"

- John Kenneth Galbraith.
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@jshm2 Yes !
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
I'd like to address this point made by a friend:

From a pure economics standpoint, the idea of forgiving loans is problematic because it seems to encourage irresponsible decisions. Why not borrow as much as you can for anything you want, if you don't think you'll have to pay it back? Fine, I get it. But the issue is more complicated than that.

Except people have been paying on these loans for decaded without making any real progrss on paying it off because the INTEREST keeps them in debt for life. If they were not inundated with compund interest they would be making payments that actually eliminated their debt..ibstead it is a lifetime debt that never goes away.

So the idea that people take loans with the notion that they will never pay it off is absolutely false and so this argumeny, being used by so many people, isnt even valid.

They have made payments every month. Even at the detriment of their financial stability. Is it irresponsibke yo taje loans to get an education to get a job that pays more than pennies on the dollar and doesn't afford average Americans to buy a home, keep food on the table and pay their bills at the same time? Not quite..not when the notion that a college education is the path to success and financial security.
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F

The thought that all students know exactly how they will pay it back when they are just beginning college is absurd.

Your military job allowed you to pay them and the payment and interest freeze helped you pay them down. Most people didn't have the money during the pandemic to do that.

People have been paying their loans since they left school. How do you get the idea they haven't been paying on their loans? They have been paying interest. Not the loans they took out. What do you think they have done? Refused to pay all these years? They end up paying excessive amounts over what they actually borrowed.

As well, How come the taxes i pay cant help me pay my student loans? How come it is only your taxes that matter? Do you forget that my taxes pay it too?

I cant intentially live cheaply. I have a family and children. I don't go out ever. Everything i buy is necessary. Rent is excessive. Groceries are excessive. I am an Average American. I pay taxes too.

Let me remind you that many politicans and wealthy people got PPP LOANS they never paid back.

The bank bailouts.
The farmer bailouts.
Wallstreet bailout.
Tax cuts for the wealthy and tax increase for me.

I'm glad your finacial stability has worked out for you. Good for you.
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
@Harmonium1923 Oh, I know. I just wanted to put it out there....what those complications are. For those who need to hear.
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
The thought that all students know exactly how they will pay it back when they are just beginning college is absurd.
Why is this absurd?? I knew with each year's loan how much was going to be added to my monthly payment. That information was disclosed to me when I got the loans. How is it absurd that someone should know this? I had a friend at Rhode Island School of Design (RISD -- located right next to my campus) who was borrowing 100% of her tuition, housing, and fees. And she was majoring in some kind of fine art ... painting or sculpture or something like that. I asked her how she was going to pay all that back and she just shrugged. THAT is absurd.

Your military job allowed you to pay them
That and my second job. Yes, my employment allowed me to pay my debts.

interest freeze helped you pay them down
Absolutely. If not for the freeze I'd have three payments left right now.

Most people didn't have the money during the pandemic to do that.
I disagree with "most". Many didn't have the money and for them the payment & interest freeze was available. I would've preferred that the payment freeze applied only to those whose income was impacted because many who continued to work took the payment forgiveness anyway.

What do you think they have done? Refused to pay all these years?
I don't think I said anything indicating that I thought a lot of people were defaulting. Certainly some do, but I don't think that's a big part of this conversation. Most people are in repayment as far as I know.

How come it is only your taxes that matter?
I said absolutely nothing about my taxes or yours???? I commented on the concept of loan forgiveness.

I don't know what PPP loans are, but I'm equally opposed to their forgiveness.
I'm also opposed to bank bailouts and farmer bailouts and corporate bailouts. Life in general would be a LOT less expensive for you and for me and for all of us if we didn't bailout so many troubled businesses and individuals.

I read a very interesting study on the bailout of General Motors some years back ... I forget the year, but it was a while ago. Huge bailout because they were too big to fail. I call bullshit on that. If they had been left to fail, then their factories and other assets would've been sold at auction by the bankruptcy court and today we'd have a dozen new auto makers (and other businesses) growing up out of their ashes. Instead we have Chevrolet and Cadillac 🙄.

In energy all the big oil fans point out that renewables wouldn't work without government subsidies and tax breaks. Guess what? Neither would big oil!!! I say let them both float in a free and fair market. Zero subsidies or tax breaks for oil or coal or solar or wind or anyone.

Life for you and me would be sooooooo much less expensive and we'd all be able to pay back our loans.
Roadsterrider · 56-60, M
There is a lot of truth in this, who decided we should pay income taxes, who decided we must pay earnings to the government to take care of our social security? How did the government provide services before income taxes were instituted?
[image/video deleted]
you can thank fdr for soc sec.. i like mine.
Sep 29, 2020 — The small amount of federal income taxes President Trump paid in both 2016 and 2017 — just $750 each year
that is less than the people pay in taxs that are cleaning up his restroom
Harmonium1923 · 51-55, M
Just made a long post on this on another thread....
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
@Harmonium1923 Unable to see it.
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F

PPP loan information is public information.

JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
@JaggedLittlePill These are wealthy people. Your taxes paid for this. My taxes paid for this.

Hypocricy 101.
@JaggedLittlePill For a few that’s over a million dollars in debt that they got to walk away from ?

From members of the party who whine about people "paying their own way, not being on the government’s teat” ?

Unbelievable. 🤬

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