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I Have Something to Say

African americans r probably descendents of israelites because we from the igbo tribe which came from israel so we might be gods chosen ppl but we cursed cuz we broke da covenant so we be gettin enslaved n shot by our oppressers a.k.a white people
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Daddyoflucas2009 · 36-40, M
Ok I'm not sure if you live in the US or not but if you do black people are not oppressed. They have it so good here in America, they have opportunities they never would have if they were still in Africa. Stop claiming White people oppress you we don't. Plus not only were many black people sold into slavery by other black people of their tribes but Africans are not the only group of people who were slaves, there were plenty of whites and Indians and asians who were slaves as well, not to mention there is still slavery going on in the world including Africa. Yeah there are children in Africa right now who are slaves and being bought and sold by sex traffickers. But instead you just want to complain about what your ancestors had to deal with. Just stop your not oppressed neither are any other African Americans in America most whites want to get along with you white people are not the problem, black people aren't the problem the liberal media and government is.

youre not oppressed so stop
TheletterA · 22-25, M
@Daddyoflucas2009: yeah. Crime skyrockets when there's nothing being done about it i couldn't agree more.
TheletterA · 22-25, M
@Daddyoflucas2009: You should take a field trip to the hood and chill over there.
TheletterA · 22-25, M
@Daddyoflucas2009: you have to see what these little black kids see every day atleast once.
Get robbed n shot at acouple times, have a friendly conversation with a crackhead, yknow, typical african american stuff
VioletRayne · 36-40, F
🙄 Extremism helps nothing
TheletterA · 22-25, M
Sounds crazy right?
TheletterA · 22-25, M
How is that extremism
TheletterA · 22-25, M
TheletterA · 22-25, M
@EJTOOO: cool. He gives evidence for his claims though.
EJTOOO · 18-21, F
HIS evidence. needs fact checking
TheletterA · 22-25, M
@EJTOOO: yo do u wanna see the video or not.
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
Why did black people sell their people into slavery?
TheletterA · 22-25, M
@VioletRayne: How is that ignorance tell me how ik wrong.
VioletRayne · 36-40, F
Black people didn't sell themselves into slavery. Black people had been trading with the whits for a while. They thought they had the same practices. In Africa it was ok to sell prisoners of war to neighboring tribes. There prisoners of war would be required to work a certain number of years like 2 or 3 to earn their right to join the tribe. Once those years had been completed they could either marry into the tribe or return home to their own tribe. They sold them to the whites with that assumption. Once they realized nobody was returning home they stopped trading with them which is why they started foraging into Africa on slave raids.
TheletterA · 22-25, M
@VioletRayne: wow i didnt even know that 😊 im going by bible history mized with real history, so im following israel jewish tribes like the igbos, not the many african tribes
EJTOOO · 18-21, F
blacks had black slaves a long time before whites did
TheletterA · 22-25, M
@EJTOOO: so your saying africans had slaves the entire point im tryna make is MAYBE WE WERENT AFRICANS AT ALL
VioletRayne · 36-40, F
They had endentured servitude unless you're talking about ancient empires which all the people were considered slaves but it was just the conditions of the public in ancient times. By the time American slavery started there were no slaves in Africa on POWs which were captured and placed into an indentured servitude type situation.
EJTOOO · 18-21, F
The history of the Israelite nation began in Egypt, the land of Ham. They entered Egypt 66 in number, (not including Joseph, his wife and two sons who were already in Egypt), and left numbering over two million people. Ancient Israel spent 430 years in Egypt. For half that time they enjoyed good favor with the Egyptians, but for the remainder of those years they were enslaved and horribly mistreated by them.

One of the facts scripture gives us about Israel (Ysrayl in the Hebrew tongue), is in regard to their physical appearance. Throughout scripture Israel is described as looking like the sons of Ham (Khawm in the Hebrew tongue), in physical appearance.

Ham was one of Noah's three sons, Shem and Japheth were the other two. Noah's descendants repopulated the earth after the Great Flood. Ham's descendants are traced to the families of Africa. Ham (Khawm) in Hebrew means BLACK, HOT AND BURNT.
Ham had four sons,

1. CUSH (Ethiopians / Cushites & Nubians),
2. MIZRAIM (Egyptians / Khemet),
3. PHUT (Ancient Libyans or Somalia),
4. CANAAN (Canaanite, the original inhabitants of the land of Israel) genesis 10:6-19.

All four of Ham's sons and their descendants settled in and around the continent of Africa, this includes the so called Middle East which is also a part of the Continent of Africa. Ham sons are the people of the African continent, the Ancient Egyptians, Ethiopians, Somalia's, Canaanites etc.

The Israelites are descendants of Noah son SHEM, through Abraham, he is the father of the Hebrew Israelite Nation. Abraham is the father of Isaac, Isaac is the father of Jacob, Jacob had twelve sons and these sons are the progenitors of the Israelite nation. The Twelve tribes of Israel are as follows:


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