I had a pterygium excision and graft in one eye a few months ago, and finally got my "all done" release just a few weeks ago. There's a risk of it coming back, so important that we keep an eye on that eye,
It was uncomfortable and itchy for a few weeks, lots of aftercare with antibiotic drops and eye guards. But the surgery restored the vision in that eye to near 20-20, so a very happy ending to the ordeal.
Good luck with the surgery. I can fully understand that you "don't wanna". For whatever reason, I'm terribly sensitive about my eyes and even one of those eye exams where they touch the eyeball to test the pressure makes me cringe.
That said, if you need the surgery, you have to have it. Try and stay calm and trust in the doctors. (((HUG)))
@Roadsterrider Give me until Wednesday to say that. I had this done before. They tuck this long stitch into the eyelid after surgery. So that’s in my eye. Hurts like heck! But, Wednesday, they use the stitch to adjust eye position then cut it. Once that is done it’s not as painful. Freaky process though. Lol