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Guyapart22 · 36-40, M
I once got on a plane when I was in the military and we flew close to the edge and could only see black past the edgy of the flat earth
TBIman · 41-45, M
@Guyapart22 I don't believe that there is an "edge."

JoeyFoxx · 51-55, M
The curvature of the earth can be observed with the naked eye from a height greater than 8 miles

If the earth was flat, how can one explain circumnavigation?

With a flat earth, why do items disappear beyond the horizon?
TBIman · 41-45, M
@JoeyFoxx The reason things seem to disappear behind "the curve" is due to perspective. There is no curvature.
TBIman · 41-45, M
@JoeyFoxx The curvature of the Earth cannot be viewed from any altitude. Send me a non-fisheye lens, or CGI photo. Why is it sooooo very important to you that we live on a spinning ball?
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
Some people start with their desired answer and go from there. @TBIman
If you mean the aspect of once some people get an idea into their head and decide its the right path they will do mental backflips and ignore tons of well presented facts, documentation, tests, and even basic occams razor considerations to hold onto what they really want... yes, amazingly interesting
@stound best answer
TBIman · 41-45, M
@stound Mental backflips? What are you talking about? Like believing in impossible shit like the globe.
Viper · M
I have... the results were pretty dang clear, the flat earth theory is quite theory wrong, proven by planes and ships using pole maps to save time by assuming it's a globe.

Plus, have you ever actually heard of anyone falling off the earth? Or what's stopping the water from falling off? After all it is a liquid.
TBIman · 41-45, M
@Viper Dude listen to yourself. How could navigation be more successful on a moving globe? Listen the plane takes off and travels from point A to point B. On a flat and motionless plane. What's so hard to understand about that?

If the Earth were actually a spinning ball the plane would have to compensate for not only the curve but also the spin. This never happens. Do some research and get back to me.
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@TBIman 1st question: so if Antarctica melts , our oceans are gonna run right off the plane of "earth "?

2nd quesrion: what stopped our oceans running of the edge of the earth when all the continents formed Gondwana Land ?
helenS · 36-40, F
When I look through the window I can see the mountains in the distance ==> proof that the Earth is not flat!
TBIman · 41-45, M
@helenS I do not know how far away the mountains are from where you are viewing them from. Yes the visablity has much to do with what you are able to see, but if whatever you are looking at should be hidden behind the curvature, then you should not be able to see the mountains. Use an Earth Curve Calculator to determine what you should be able to see. I can assure you that you will be able to see a lot more than what you should be able to.

helenS · 36-40, F
@TBIman It's completely irrelevant whether I can see a mountain or not. Nobody in their right mind would deny that mountains exist. It's a mystery to me why anyone could seriously claim the Earth is flat, even though they must know there are huge mountain ranges like the Alps, or the Rockies.
The village where my Aunt lives is in a basin, surrounded by high mountains. Go and tell her the Earth is flat. With some luck she will not call the ambulance.
I really can't see how anyone can be so self-centered. They live somewhere where there are no mountains, and now they think the Earth is flat everywhere. 🤬
TBIman · 41-45, M
@helenS If you can see mountains in the distance, that is proof that the Earth IS flat,
Flat-Earth arguments fall flat in the face of forceful biblical and scientific evidence for Earth’s roundness.
@TBIman I see you missed the ones that said it was a sphere. Nice try.
TBIman · 41-45, M
@LadyGrace The Earth is not spherical in any way shape or form. In order to prove that the Earth is a sphere you need a physical measurement... which you do not have. Try again, please.
TBIman · 41-45, M
@LadyGrace It is possible that I missed a comment. Sorry if I did.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
Man you have a WAY more optimistic view of governments than I do. Y'all think they're superpowered or something.
TBIman · 41-45, M
@CountScrofula I read a book called

I highly recommend it. It is written extremely well.
TBIman · 41-45, M
@CountScrofula They aren't supercharged. They are evil.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
@TBIman Yeah they are but they are also incompetent. Governments can't do anything right, but they can do this?
Omgosh he is a conspiracy theorist.
@canusernamebemyusername conspiracy theorist = manipulated and weak minded 🐑
Whodunnit · M
@TryingtoLava That surely depends upon the conspiracy
@Whodunnit i agree ;)
TBIman · 41-45, M
@SonOfHam what is this supposed to mean?
@TBIman Ham.
DrWatson · 70-79, M
You probably believe that the moon is flat too, or just "a light in the sky."

If you look at a gibbous moon (3/4 full) through a decent set of binoculars, there will be no doubt in your mind that the moon is a ball, as you can spot the curvature of the terminator (the boundary between light and dark) from pole to pole, and the entire moon will appear in 3D perspective.

I HAVE read the web page of the flat earth society. So yes, I have done my share of the bargain. Are you willing to do YOUR research by looking at the moon the way I suggest?
TBIman · 41-45, M
@DrWatson No one knows what the moon is . And I am not talking about the moon. I am talking about the Earth under your feet.
DrWatson · 70-79, M
@TBIman I've looked at the moon through a telescope. I have seen mountains, craters, lava plains, cliffs. People DO know what the moon is. And a spherical moon orbiting a flat earth makes no sense. (Unless of course, you are one of those people who believes gravity is a hoax as well.)
TBIman · 41-45, M
@DrWatson If you cannot touch it then you have no idea what it is. Have you ever touched the moon?
Lostpoet · M
i'd rather watch paint dry
TBIman · 41-45, M
@Lostpoet Do what you want, but you won't get anything out of watching paint dry.
Nomad7 · 22-25, M
Not a plate
TBIman · 41-45, M
@Nomad7 Who said that the Earth was a plate?
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@Like2play A small question to be answered honestly. Did you know that according to VEARS there have been more people killed by the covid vaccines in the last 4 months than all the other vaccines in the last 20 years COMBINED?
Like2play · M
@hippyjoe1955 big bag stoy that is passed around.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@Like2play Maybe try checking the numbers and get back to me.
There's no need for any further research on this topic, it's not flat.
TBIman · 41-45, M
@SapphicHeart How do you KNOW that the Earth is not a flat and motionless plane.
TheGOPHateAmerica · 26-30, M
The earth is a sphere. Take off your tinfoil hat and stay off the fox
TBIman · 41-45, M
@TheGOPHateAmerica Where did you get the idea that the Earth is a sphere. Whoever told you that bullshit lied to you.
TheGOPHateAmerica · 26-30, M
@TBIman 🤡
In a planar earth model, how does one explain nutation— the wobble in the earth’s axis as it processes?

And how does one explain why the period of the earth’s nutation cycles exactly equals the period of the moon’s orbital precession?

Not saying the earth isn’t flat as you say. Just looking to compare how the planar and spherical earth explain these phenomena.
TBIman · 41-45, M
@CopperCicada I do not know. I know that the Earth does not move at all. Also that it is most likely flat.
@TBIman no flat earthers are dumb
TBIman · 41-45, M
@TryingtoLava You are welcome to your own OPINION.
@TBIman yup thats why i said it
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
Lol flat earth dorks are the funniest set.
TBIman · 41-45, M
@QuixoticSoul What is funny about being lied to for your whole life about the ground you walk upon?
DrWatson · 70-79, M
Ok, you've convinced me. The round earth hoax was initiated by Magellan, to cover up the fact that he was actually using his government's funds to vacation in Hawaii while he claimed to be sailing around the world.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
Finally. A sensible and logical analysis. @DrWatson
TBIman · 41-45, M
@DrWatson Glad that you have finally woken up DrWatson.
HannahSky · F
What else is flat? Flat earthers aren't inclusive.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
Yeah really. How all the people having sex in the back seat while one is self driving and posting it all on YouTube. Know anyone whose ever done that? @HannahSky
HannahSky · F
@jackjjackson no 😂
TBIman · 41-45, M
@HannahSky Lots of things are flat. A coin, the floor, oh yeah, and the oceans.
Klein Bottle Earth!
@SW-User It's the only thing that makes sense.
Ryannnnnn · 31-35, M
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
In a planar earth model, what is the mechanism that leads to polar precession and the precession of equinoxes?
@CopperCicada bent light
TBIman · 41-45, M
@CopperCicada That is a good question. Just because I do not know the answer does not mean that someone else doesn't.
I'd rather travel the globe than sit around all day earning a YouTube degree...
TBIman · 41-45, M
@SW-User what is a globe? I'm sorry, I'm unfamiliar with that term?
TBIman · 41-45, M
the globe only exists in your mind.
Riemann · 31-35, M
bugeye · 26-30, F
sorry. too busy researching pixies, unicorns and other childish make-believe things.
TBIman · 41-45, M
@bugeye well, when you are through researching pixies, unicorns, and those other childish make-believe things you should research flat Earth.
I wouldnt expect you to know pythagorus or Foucault hahaha another nut ignorant job
TBIman · 41-45, M
@TryingtoLava Pythagoras, and Foucault were masonic magicians.
Yes ... it is fully rational to challenge the earths dimensions.
TBIman · 41-45, M
@questionWeaver The dimensions of the Earth have never changed. It has always been a flat and motionless plane.
TrashCat · M
Out of the 2021 Garbage bin, this mess come up.
My response to flat earthers:
Guyapart22 · 36-40, M
U a flat earter?
TBIman · 41-45, M
@Guyapart22 I am a globe denier.
AriaP · F
What? 😂🤣😂
Azlotto · M
I'm always open to possibilities. If the earth is flat, I wonder how thick it is.
LunarOrbit · 56-60, M
@TBIman Explain. LoL. I’m gonna smoke a joint for this one cause u is already high!
TBIman · 41-45, M
@LunarOrbit THE EARTH IS ALL THAT THERE IS. I do not know of any other way to explain it.
LunarOrbit · 56-60, M
@TBIman How much an ounce is that shit you are smoking. I want some!!
Question : if the sun is a globe and earth is flat , what stops sunlight spreading across a plane?

Also : what makes seasons if the sun is forever traversing the same trajectory , then logically there are no seaonsonal varialrions.

And why isnt australia cold as its so close to antacrctica?

And why isnt greenland hot ?
@OogieBoogie Those are all really good questions. Have a t-shirt!
@MrBlueGuy oh dont, i have enough trouble appearing as a sentient being as it is 😂
I dont need confirmation of my infirmanency🤣
TBIman · 41-45, M
@OogieBoogie Who said that the Sun was anything other than a light in the sky?
I have enough insanity already without appearing a total loony 🤗
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@OogieBoogie A loon like you never thinks you are loony. It is part of your lunacy.
Oooh , last question

What makes the moon cycle in appearance ?

If it isn't the earth eclipting the moon, what in the heavens does this .

Esp since falt earth theory only has the sun and the the moon in close orbit, there ia nothing to limit the suns rays reflecting off the moon .

Please explain the crescent and gibbous moons .
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jackjjackson · 61-69, M
Flat symbols periodically posted for our entertainment? @OogieBoogie
Where do you freaks come from?

What is this (are you saying humans have never been in space too?):

[image deleted]
TBIman · 41-45, M
@SW-User Oh yeah that's real.
TBIman · 41-45, M
@SW-User This is correct. No one has ever been to space. I do not believe in outer space. There is 0 evidence of outer space. I have the ability to change my mind based on new information. Convince me that space is real.
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TBIman · 41-45, M
@LvChris That's the flat Earth Society for ya. They put out disinformation.
I don't need to research. The earth is obviously shaped like a pancake. I know because I sailed past Australia and nearly fell off

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