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I Have Something to Say

Two things to say
First off please understand when I say I do not want to have children that is totally different from me saying I do not like children. I love kids they're creative little adults however I have a very messed up family and I just don't think it would be fair if i had kids to add to It. To all the much older ladies and gentlemen (whom didn't have children themselves) telling me I'm making a mistake with my ovaries, um... Please stop.

Second yes I am deaf not dumb. When interacting with me slowing down your speech just prolongs our conversation it doesn't help anyone. I'm not dumb or slow nor do I need help; if you speak to me in whatever setting just speak to me like anyone else. Being deaf does not make me sad or unhappy. Also deafness is not contagious I don't how that idea got started but it's not. To the woman who told me if I repent for my sins and my tattoos that my "deaf demon" would go away.....thanks.
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Kids should only be had by people that want them. And your reasons for doing it or not is nobody s business.
YoMomma ·
omg yeah 😲
english · 56-60, M
Every time i think i have heard every possible dumb statement,someone has to always prove me wrong i mean WTF . there is no limit is there? gobsmacked
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Bushmanoz · 61-69, M
HELLO..I SAW YOU MENTIONED BEING DEAF...seriously? people can be such idiots, why does anyone feel the need to weigh in on whether you have kids or not? how does it change their life? Don't let anyone get to you. It's amazing how so many broken and mixed up people with all sorts of problems have the answers on what everyone else should do with their lives. Lastly..did someone really say that about the deaf demon? that is pittiful
Genesis · 26-30, F
@Bushmanoz thank you so much. Yes, a woman really told me if I repent for my sins and my tattoos God would rid me of my "deaf demon".
Bushmanoz · 61-69, M
@Genesis What will get rid of her "stupidity demon"?
I can't even fathom someone would say anything so dumb and insensitive to you. Weird ass people.
Genesis · 26-30, F
@SW-User Thank you, it's probably the craziest advice I ever had. You're right weird ass people

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