That's the worst thing. I always abhorred that. No one thinks a "kid" has anything to say and so no one cares to listen regardless of the words coming out of their mouth. But now I'm older, I'm beginning to get the respect I never got before and all of a sudden people want to listen to me, they want to talk to me. Now they think I have something worth saying. Well I can't stand that either. I can't stand to think how the contents of my words are the same, but people will choose to listen or not based on how I look. So all the things I would have died to say and all the conversations I would have died to have are ashes now. Grudges are stupid when they prevent you from living, but I don't actually care to say those things anymore, not to the people I wished would listen before. Now that they want them, sorry, I don't. The grave you dug in me is the grave you get to lie in, and it's just as hollow as how you treated me, so cheers! I learned how to live with it, your turn.
Wow, that sounds maybe stronger than I anticipated. Just thought I'd join you in the ranting because it's no good to rant alone! Or it is, but it's twice as fun with someone else!