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I Have Something to Say


They say
The choice is yours
Live YOUR life
Love who YOU love
Go in the direction of
YOUR dreams
Like Mr. Thoreau.

They say
Free will is YOURS
To do and see and experience
Everything YOU want
To think and, therefore,
To be YOU
As Mr. Descartes stated.

They say
Lots of "truths" that aren't
And make promises
They break.
Because sometimes
The choice isnt yours,
Your will isn't free,
And thinking only
Means pain.

And when you are broken
And used and abused
And held captive
In body, mind, and soul
Through no choice of your own,
You don't believe them when
They say

Everything will be OK...
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THEY don't know what it's like, and THEY don't know what to say other than it will be okay. But here's the thing, you don't have to be okay for anyone other than yourself, and if you find you're unable to be that for now, then that's okay. You're fine, super fine just the way you are, Nat. <3
Nat15 · F
@SW-User Thank you <3
Your ways with words keeps amazing me. Such a dark end though. Everything won't be okay, but hopefully we still will be able to find enough that is. Thank you for sharing your skills with us once more.
Nat15 · F
@SapphicHeart I like that. "Hopefully we still will be able to find enough that is" okay. :) That's the path to recovery.
It is. :-)
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
I know about having no real choices sometimes. People who say everyone always has a free choice has never been an unjust prisoner or victim of someone a great deal more powerful.
Nat15 · F
@greenmountaingal Those who use their power to basically enslave others take away those choices. I'm sorry you had to experience that.
OzDiver · 61-69, M
Nat15 · F
@OzDiver Thank you. :*
OzDiver · 61-69, M
@Nat15 😘
Nat15 · F
@summersong Thank you, love. <3
meemo70 · 51-55, M
Those who impose their will on weak people just because they can really need to get punished
acpguy · C
Sounds like liberal talk. They are held mentally captive by the fake news and BS that Shumer and Pelosi spew.
Nat15 · F
@acpguy That's an interesting interpretation of the poem's really about the many years I was sexually molested
acpguy · C
@Nat15 Hate to hear that. I think people who do that should get the death penalty or have their reproductive organs removed.
Nat15 · F
@acpguy Well he's paying a price just not those prices.

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