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I Have Something to Say

So I’ve got myself a little problem. You see I’ve somehow gotten myself somehow involved into a love triangle. Well it’s more like a square if you include me in it I guess. You see I have three girls who might have feelings for me.

One of them is an old friend from high school that I’ve kept in touch with since I graduated. She’s eighteen and just admitted that she likes me. I’m twenty-one by the way but don’t worry the problem isn’t the age difference. It’s the fact that she just dumped my best friend for sleeping with another girl when he got drunk.

The second girl is the daughter of a customer I made friends with at my job. She turns twenty-one tomorrow. Her mom gave me her number and we’ve been txting lately. We don’t really have anything in common but she’s really sweet and around the same hieght as me.

The third girl is a redhead that just started working at my job a couple weeks ago. She works in the toys department and I ran into one day doing returns in her department. Ever since that day I keep seeing her around the front where I work. I keep catching her watching me and one past me only to return for some reason and taking peeks at me when she doesn’t think I’m looking in her direction. Thanks to my multiple years of military training i have noticed her. Now I might just be paranoid and overreacting but my instincts tell me she’s watching me.

Now for my problem. I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO DO. the only time a girl found interest in me was in fifth grade and she was obsessed with me. I not really attractive or I’m not in my opinion. I’m really nice to people but that’s never helped me ever gotten a date. To be honest right after sixth grade I deticated my time with school work. I ended up graduating a year ahead of my class and with A’s and B’s. (On a side note I wanted these grades. I could have gotten straight A’s but I chose not to.)
The only problem is I’ve never had a girlfriend because of this. Never asked a girl out or much less kiss one.

So now I don’t know what to do. I’ve got a love interest who’s been my friend for years but who’s several years younger then me, a girl who thinks I’m really sweet and texts me every day, and a potential stalker. Please help me?
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VickyIcky · 26-30, F
Say no to all of them if you don't like them. Simple. You have to "like like" them to be in a relationship with one of them. You don't go into a relationship just because someone else wants you to be in one. I've only ever had two boyfriends but I've had more than a dozen like me. If you don't like them it's a no. And don't be caught up with your coworker too much. Unless she walks up to you and admits she likes you just ignore it if you don't like it.
FormerPadresfan · 26-30, M
First you should look at all their personality traits. Get to really know them over few weeks then after that go with your heart. It’s how I dealt with mine. I know exactly how weird these scenarios are. That’s what I advise, Wait it out a bit.

I always go back to my first girlfriend in the end result lol. Happened twice where she tried to leave me and up to 20 girls suddenly try to capitalize on it. And in the midst of the chaos my then ex gets jealous and wins me back.

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