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I Have Something to Say

I want to know how come if a person has an imaginary friend who they believe in strongly, and believe that this imaginary friend will protect them, loves them, and watches over them all the time, and they call this imaginary friend Steve, the person will be called mentally ill, but if they call the imaginary friend God, they are considered completely sane?
Elegy · 46-50
if it wasn't for organized religions, people would not have a belief in god, god was invented as a way to control entire societies. people have always decided who and what god is, and how powerful god is, people only know what other people have taught them about god, but outside of religious writings there is no evidence that any god has ever actually communicated with people. it is the people who have always pulled the strings.

Religion is the opiate of the masses and the Bible is a hatchet job edited by fallible men with an agenda altruistic in nature or not.

Again none of this is new insight.

It is common knowledge that humanity would not exist without the religious roots we share.

Luckily you now have the right to believe whatever you want mostly free from persecution. You should enjoy it rather than wasting time raging against the dying machine that is religion/organised religion.

There will always be a need for religion because some people need to believe there is more, that we mean more.
There will always be a need for religion because people need to belong.
There will always be a need for religion because morality needs to be unionized.
Skelepop666 · 36-40, F
I agree with AmandaHugNKiss. She has a point, whether everyone agrees with it or not, that with there being no solid evidence of either 'God' or 'Steve' (to use her example) and if they exist/ don't exist, there should be no difference in the way in which people are treated because they have chosen to take comfort in someone others are unable to see/ hear/ etc.
Skelepop666 · 36-40, F
Well no offence but if you're going to bring in technicalities then Paganism was the first religion as it was believed Cavemen/ cavewomen followed paganism (or a polytheistic religion very similar to it)
Skelepop666 · 36-40, F
Well if you think about it that way, there have been far more recorded deaths in the name of 'God' (or whatever your religion may call him) than in the name of other imaginary friends.
Elegy · 46-50
Sorry skele I misread your post and read your question as a comment.

I agree with AmandaHugNKiss. She has a point, whether everyone agrees with it or not, that with there being no solid evidence of either 'God' or 'Steve' (to use her example) and if they exist/ don't exist, there should be no difference in the way in which people are treated because they have chosen to take comfort in someone others are unable to see/ hear/ etc.

Choosing god and steve "her example"
A centuries old religion vs one you make up yourself.

I think they should be treated the same but it is unreasonable to expect it because humans.
@aradia11 where is the proof that this higher spiritual entity exists? You cannot say that and expect it to be a fact.
if it wasn't for organized religions, people would not have a belief in god, god was invented as a way to control entire societies. people have always decided who and what god is, and how powerful god is, people only know what other people have taught them about god, but outside of religious writings there is no evidence that any god has ever actually communicated with people. it is the people who have always pulled the strings.
Elegy · 46-50
There is a basis in reality and a long rich history. That being said I think they are both nuts.
to be fair, and for the sake of truth, Jesus was Jewish, but there was no such thing as a Christian at that time. Christianity came after Jesus died. It was the Romans and Jews who coined the phrase Christian, because Jesus was considered to be Christ, the savior. So non followers of Jesus came up with calling them Christians as a way to identify them.
Choosing to believe doesn't make it real either.
Elegy · 46-50
you will not teach me anything that I have not already studied
Then what is the point of this post?

We understand, if god exists he done you wrong and you want to show the world he either doesn't exist or is shit.

You should waste your time on something a little more valuable.
Nobody has been preaching, and you will not teach me anything that I have not already studied. Do you think I am actually trying to learn about faith and religion? I want to know why believing in imaginary things is considered sane when people call those things god...
DreamerOfThings38 · 46-50, M
People raise their children to fear hell, and eternal damnation just to scare them into being obedient. That is friggin child abuse. It is down right mentally abusive to convince children that they run the risk of an eternity of pain and suffering if they don't accept god in their lives.
Skelepop666 · 36-40, F
Fair enough. but still, maybe it was something that someone made up that just continued to essentially 'go viral' (for lack of a better term right now). Who is to say Jesus (who was a Jewish guy preaching about 'God' to Christians) was not indeed mentally ill?
DreamerOfThings38 · 46-50, M
I agree amanda, I think he is enjoying this discussion as much as you are. He just wants to feel like the big older smarter guy, thinking he is the voice of reason. His input on this discussion is no more or less effective than any other person who chooses to argue. it is just an excuse to argue.
Skelepop666 · 36-40, F
And who is to say that 'God' wasn't an imaginary friend in the first place, with the guy who thought him up picking the name 'God' instead of something more common? Maybe it's just one person's fantasy that has been developed and (in modern terms) gone 'viral'.
yeah, well my original question remains valid... if people who believe in imaginary friends are insane then so are people who believe in something they call god. You can argue it all you want, but you are wasting your own time. Unless you enjoy this. And I think you do.
DreamerOfThings38 · 46-50, M
I have asked the same question. People will just argue with you about it if your opinion doesn't fit their beliefs. But based on what I have read in your profile, you will stand your ground. lol
researching history shows more evidence that god is completely made up. but you would have to be willing to actually research history outside of religious texts to see it.
Elegy · 46-50
@skele Except you are completely ignoring the last what... 2500 years of human history? Of course there is a difference except as an intellectual exercise but not as an open debate.
DreamerOfThings38 · 46-50, M
Skele-pop666 it's ok, I know what you meant. I am happy to out right say that god dos not exist. People can argue it if they wish. I keep saying it.
Elegy · 46-50
You are not breaking new ground here and it seams like you want to preach (humor intended) more than you want to learn.
aradia11 · 61-69, F
I am just saying some people chose to believe in certain religion or spirituality.. I can't say what is real And what us not
Skelepop666 · 36-40, F
In what way? because I said that 'God' may not exist?
I'm sorry if I misinterpreted that last message. If I have please correct me.
Elegy · 46-50
Couldn't agree more Skele but it is none the less an interwoven piece of human existence now not unlike ale. ;)
Bikerman051 · 56-60, M
Unless, it becomes a clear problem that poses a threat to that persons or others safety it is not an issue.
Elegy · 46-50
I answered the op, is there another you would like me to answer Skele?
Skelepop666 · 36-40, F
you said I was ignoring the last 2500 years of human history and I asked you how?
Elegy · 46-50
Good point, I'll take it under advisement... because I'm open to others ideas an opinions.
I think my time is being used just fine, perhaps you are the one wasting your time.
Skelepop666 · 36-40, F
I notice you still haven't answered my question Verbose.....
aradia11 · 61-69, F
One is a higher Spiritual entity.. The other doesn't exist
dale74 · M
I don't believe in Imaginary Friends but I do believe in God
aradia11 · 61-69, F
Amanda::I gather for those whim chose to believe
Skelepop666 · 36-40, F
but which one is which arcadia11?
Skelepop666 · 36-40, F
I know right.....

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