Ivana · F
i dont support it as a job especially since my bf gives it a bad name thats all he wants to do as a job & then claim hes " super hardworking" he's really good at it so its pretty much no effort to work in it... & kinda i dont understand why they pay them to do that, any sport for that matter
monster007 · 46-50, F
I do belive that actors are also overpaid compering to other people wages like dr... prof... etc ... people with brains should get pay well not some tossers who runs on the pitch or reading lines from the scteen....' someone' made mistake long ago...
Footballstar · 26-30, M
Probably a bit late to this but they get paid an amount relative to the money they bring in. Are some paid a lot yes but they make their owners a lot more so they earn it
monster007 · 46-50, F
Achmyname all Athlets gets paid and footballers also should but the same like people in McDonalds.... huh they not much better then they r.... its sad even looking what they deliver for the wages they earn... 😂
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Ivana · F
my god i know right, i dunno who idea it was to even come up with paying people to play sports
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
They earn whatever they are worth in a free market. That's how the world works.
"Should" has nothing to do with it unless you change the world first.
"Should" has nothing to do with it unless you change the world first.
Footballstar · 26-30, M
Well youd sacrifice the entertainment of millions if not billions just so people weren't paid a lot. Ye thats pretty bitter
Wildstrawberries · 41-45, F
Footballstar · 26-30, M
Neither do I 😂😂😂
Honest doesnt mean not bitter.
Honest doesnt mean not bitter.

Absolutely not !
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monster007 · 46-50, F
I do belive that they overpaid .... don't do much ... getting paid millions just for being tossers.... waste of money....
monster007 · 46-50, F
they can pay them but not millions .... to tossers who can't play.... on top getting money for sponsoring watches ... addidas... nike...pyma... and other co.
monster007 · 46-50, F
monster007 · 46-50, F
stereoguy you have sense of humour... 😁
Wildstrawberries · 41-45, F
Tres13 · 51-55, M
monster007 · 46-50, F
ngoodusername even if they can't deliver ...and they play like tossers?
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