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Spouse is no longer desirable...How do you handle?

Poll - Total Votes: 17
Just be honest and work on it together. For better or for worse.
Close your eyes and imagine you're having sex with a movie star.
Cheat! Hide it for as long as you can!
Divorce and find someone you find hot!
Shitstorm unavoidable!
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You're no longer physically attracted to your spouse. How do you resolve this without causing a shitstorm?

[image/video deleted]
KaysHealingPath · 36-40, F
Attraction is only partially physical.

I've been with my husband for 10 years (married for 6 of them) my weight has gone up and down I've been every size from a 4 to a 24, I'm about half way now between both of those sizes I'm currently a 14/16 depending on the brand. My husbands body has changed as well but not as drastically as mine. The attraction is still there, the spark is still there and the intimacy I'd say is amazing and has been at my thinnest and my heaviest.

It's not always physical sometimes it's much more than that. Bodies change, skin changes, weight changes, but the connection you have with a person has to be more than just physical or it will end once their bodies change...
Elegy · 46-50
So no children gotcha.
Leave her.
ash0496 · 26-30, F
@ArtDecade... basically every McDonalds franchise owner?
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expomasseur · 36-40, M
Marriage isn't about love or attraction. It is about commitment. You're wedding vows probably didn't say, " beauty and health, for better or at least acceptable..." Be honest and loving, and don't use tough love. Tell her that you are committed to making it work.
agreatday · 61-69, M
hell, that's a keg.
Drumroll @plainlover!
Well said @Triste
@ash0496, yes it's a sexual fetish where one partner feeds the other. In this case, the feeder would then get turned on by a thin girl getting fat!
Who says that picture is unattractive I'll have you know an awful lot of asian business men would love to get their hands on her Lol
ash0496 · 26-30, F
oh god that's so disgusting! I just lost my appetite for the next decade!
Elegy · 46-50
Someone that likes to fatten people as a kink or fetishist @ash.
LikeMind · M
She has a six pack, No make that a twelve pack, No that's a 48-Pack!!!
OMG. Unless your a 'feeder' I'd imagine anyone would run to the hills....
ash0496 · 26-30, F
@PlainJane... Do I dare to ask...what's a feeder?
agreatday · 61-69, M
I miss seeing ash's comments.
she blocked me.
Oh my freaking God! Where do you find this stuff lol
plainlover2002 · 61-69, M
I don't know, you will have to ask my wife.
Um tough one. Never been there
Lol @agreatday we know your answer
@ART so children make a diff?
Sunnykel76 · 46-50, F
agreatday · 61-69, M
she's Purdy!!
Elegy · 46-50

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