TheLoveAge · 36-40, F
The validity of truth varies as it's perceptually based. Alignment with Source does not. Resistance or unwillingness to stay in your Divine connection will cause blockage and give rise to illusion. Because ego tells the story of you as the human being, Source doesn't have a story to tell. Just invites to be in the presence of it, and then you only notice being. But if you develop a practice of maintaining your Source alignment you will make the distinction. Its the paradoxical truth- The simplest most difficult thing to understand. Its not about the story and or the truth, just knowing being.
There's a quote from Buddha that might help- "Since everything is a reflection of our minds Everything can be changed by our minds"
The mind is a story teller, don't always believe what you hear, lol.
There's a quote from Buddha that might help- "Since everything is a reflection of our minds Everything can be changed by our minds"
The mind is a story teller, don't always believe what you hear, lol.
I read that of you took all the empty space out if all the atoms which make up the Empire State Building, the only solid matter left will be about the size of a yeah, apparently everything is some kind of illusion 🤔
Natasha9696 · 26-30, F
Depends..... Knowledge is power but ignorance can be such bliss :)
joahola98wj · 36-40, F
I like knowing the truth. I believe I know how to differentiate the two. Real is anything concrete that you can sense with your five senses. An illusion is anything abstract that you can imagine in your mind.
TwiddlerofThumbs · F
Sometimes I think I do. But what does it matter? If I wholeheartedly believe in the illusion that is my reality I perceive that makes it as real as it ever will be.

WearOutKyd - one doesn't. So one has to keep faith in their perceptions maintaining an open mind.
Nettle · F
I prefer to know the truth ... I can adapt to unpleasant truths, but I can't handle being lied to 😳
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
Let's put it this way, if I knew that people were genuine or fake it would save me a lot of time and trouble.

I think I know. But how do I know if what I think is not really an illusion itself?
WearOutKyd · 36-40, M
@Aidolovemostofyourthoughts, how does one know indeed?
coolman86 · 36-40, M
WearOutKyd · 36-40, M
@TheLoveAge, thank you for your deep response. How do you know when you are aligned with the source? Have you experienced it for yourself? If so, what is it like?
WearOutKyd · 36-40, M
@joahola98wj, interesting observation. But what if what we are sensing is all an illusion of the mind?
joahola98wj · 36-40, F
@WearOutKyd Good thought. Reminds me of The Matrix movie.