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What do you think about Euthanasia?

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What do you think about Euthanasia ?
We don't allow animals to suffer but in some cases of ourselves we have to, why is that?
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
I hate to see anyone suffer endlessly but there's a slippery slope with euthanasia to where it can be used to eliminate people who are merely tired of living (depression for example) or to get rid of people who are deemed "useless eaters"'s been done before and there is a group of people who would love to reduce the population of the world using such laws.
Memetic · 56-60, F
I support it. It's legal in Oregon
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
I've heard that it's not uncommon for doctors in cancer wards to order a double-dose of morphine in order to overdose for those dying of cancer when there's no turning back. It's not like anyone does an autopsy on them when it's known that they are consumed with cancer.
My state (California) just passed a "Death with Dignity" law, allowing terminally ill patients to ask their doctors for meds they can take to suicide. The parameters are very specific:
1) The person must have a physical terminal illness (not emotional or mental)
2) and be within 6 mos of predicted death
3) Adults ONLY
It's quite simple in my opinion: people who want to die will just commit suicide if they don't get help, so why not offer them a comfortable way? That doesn't only make it easier on the dying person but also on the family (I can speak from experience), and it saves someone from the trauma of finding the body and the costs of a police investigation and cleanup.

I don't think there should be an over the counter pill you keep in your nightstand in case anything hurts you though. It seems appropriate to at least require filing a request to your home doctor, followed by two or three sessions with a psychologist. If someone then still feels dying is the only solution, gather the family around and let the person go comfortably.
JarJarBoom · 41-45, F
What? you mean Euthanasia isn't about Kids in China?
@Jarjar Euthanasia is assisting one person to die. Example, someone has only weeks to live from an illness but those weeks are nothing but pain and suffering it's basically putting an end to physical suffering. It's like taking a beloved pet to be put down at the vet because it's too old and sick and is in pain. It's not legal here in Australia but Victoria will be the first state to legalise it.
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MarkFree · 61-69, M
Asian youth tend to be more driven and do better in school.
JarJarBoom · 41-45, F
I know WakingLife.. I'm just being facetious
Myzery · 41-45, F
Yes. I do. I mean there will have to be some sort of evaluation, of course. Steps to complete, maybe. Not too sure of all the Swiss requirements, but they will accommodate someone who is just tired of living. I do know that there is a waiting period. You can't have it done same day. I do not know how long the waiting period is.
Faeriegrrl · 26-30, F
I totally support assisted suicide. Of course, there are certain requirements that must be met like being terminally ill and mentally competent. I've done research on it before. If I were in a situation where I was doomed to die painfully...I'd want to end it before it all gets worse.
PoizonApple · 41-45, F
I am all for assisted suicide
It's religion what's forbidding it. But I saw a case from very nearby and if done well, it's the most mercy full gift a suffering human can receive. And don't let you be misguided by horror stories like told on FoxNews, the reality is far more human.
Cinnamon · 31-35, F
This is in major flux right now where I live (Canada). "Assisted dying" seems to be the preferred term now and the only question is how much is going to be allowed, not whether.
Primnproper · 56-60, F
Myzery why do you feel that if someone is depressed and voices the will to die, you think they should be able to? I'm not judging just curious..
icyreb · M
primnproper.. I agree.. but even when all is hopeless, many doctors refuse to help end the suffering. they just give more pills.
Myzery · 41-45, F
I am for it, but I believe it should be for more than the terminally I'll. I like Switzerland's setup.
Primnproper · 56-60, F
Skymike sadly that is very true..we have become a society driven by pills and potions
icyreb · M
its usually thought that a human life is more valuable and worth trying to save..
Bluesky52 · 61-69, M
they do that now,just by giving patience compfortable till they go,
Belief in God has led us morally astray. Euthanasia is acceptable.
Primnproper · 56-60, F
Tollerantmongoose yes definitely terminal illness
Primnproper · 56-60, F
Cheerokeepatto yes quite understand that point..
PoizonApple · 41-45, F
For everyone on their way out.
Primnproper · 56-60, F
CinnamonBunNy that's interesting..
Primnproper · 56-60, F
Skymike yes but unfortunately contrary to what many believe some miracles never happen..
I don't think about it.. I'm not currently concerned with it. I'm anti abortion tho.
Primnproper · 56-60, F
Bluesky do you think their dignity should make them allowed to choose ?
Primnproper · 56-60, F
Poizonapple is that for anyone or just terminally ill..
Primnproper · 56-60, F
Yes I do to but understand some reservations others may have.
Primnproper · 56-60, F
Bb....that's great to hear..
Primnproper · 56-60, F
Plobey well said..
I am in full support of it.

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