Garbage Pail Kids.
hunkalove · 61-69, M
Too much ammonia in the garden.
HazPassportForYourGalaxy · 51-55, M
I gave 9 options in a poll and the poll didn't post. Well guess its up to you guys since I stuffed that up. :/ Sorry.

I wanted to market Coleslaw kids.
A bag filled with polyester sherds, yarn, material shreds, and two eyes on top of the pile. My brother told me that was a stupid idea, but I think I missed my opportunity to make a quick buck.
A bag filled with polyester sherds, yarn, material shreds, and two eyes on top of the pile. My brother told me that was a stupid idea, but I think I missed my opportunity to make a quick buck.
ash0496 · 26-30, F
Jeffie · 46-50, M
Cruel heartless executives 😡
HazPassportForYourGalaxy · 51-55, M
I am sorry Ynotjenn. I'm just learning. I tried to backtrack through the browser but they gone....
ash0496 · 26-30, F
Probably one of those wacky vegans.
Ynotjenn · F
Mine is still alive....
Ynotjenn · F
I want to see the poll options :(
Ynotjenn · F
Oh well
Ynotjenn · F

You a troll? Just askin 🙂