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I Have a Question

When did the word ninja become a racial slur? I'm so out of the loop.
I asked a guy at work for his help reaching something high on a shelf. And he jokingly asked me why I didn't climb up to get it.

And I said,"I'm not a ninja."
And he told me it was racist. He was joking still. But he asked me if I ever used the n word before.

I couldn't figure it out.
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Serenitree · F
]Here's a good one. Remember how Lucy used to say "you're a good man Charlie Brown" in the Peanuts cartoons? I said that to a young man who had helped me carry a heavy box up some steps. He kicked the box and snarled at me. Next time you can do it yourself. I asked him why he was angry. He said he didn't do things for people to be insulted.

I wasn't aware that good man or Charlie Brown was insulting. Unfortunately, I was laughing too hard to be able to call out an apology.
nakedguyVII · 61-69, M
The one calling others anything ... well you are seeing a weakness in their own character. Doesn't matter if they are serious or joking. They are faulting themselves by pointing their fingers at others.
Jon2403 · 61-69, M
sounds like this guy does not have a clue
japanesemaples · 36-40, F
He made it sound as if it now compares to the other n word
Jessmari · 46-50
Seems like he missheard you.
I think it was a joke
bcvegas4u · 70-79, M
Saying Ninja is no more racist than saying pirate or football player.
I wasn't aware either. Lots of anime use the term; guess they didn't know either. But I do know when people speak of 'using the "n" word', "ninja" is generally not what they mean. ;)
japanesemaples · 36-40, F
Serenitree. Could be.
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Serenitree · F
Maybe he was trying to make you feel foolish, or guilty, or maybe, way down deep inside, he is racist.
xCorvo · 26-30, M
He sounds like a dumbass

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