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What is your take on EU?

Poll - Total Votes: 10
It is an evil empire controlled by unelected officials
It is good for the common good
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The upcoming Brexit has hogged the limelight for quite some time. I hope there are british users in this site that can help me understand the importance of upcoming referendum of Brexit
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I'm not a brit, but my country has joined EU and as far as the good that comes out of it goes - like free visum to EU countries - it's not likable that they want to control what we do in our area, even when it's proven there's nothing suspicious going on.

About the Brexit i think we should worry if you guys leave the union - France and Germany aren't reliable countries if you know what i mean. Even if they pretend to, or if we believe so.
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GeniUs · 56-60, M
Brexit or Brin I'm guessing is the alternative the only people who have expressed an opinion I respect so far are Ben Elton and Stephen Hawking. I make my own mind up.
Picklebobble · 56-60, M
It works like this. After the Second World War. The allies divided those countries formerly our enemy, between them.
Some became communist as they were aligned with the Russians. Some became independent countries and some leaned more toward NATO and 'the west'.
This was done because thinking at the time leaned toward the idea of trade blocks. And the best way to counter a communist nation who could massively produce goods at far cheaper prices than anybody else!
The U.S.A as one block, the Communist countries as another. And so the thinking was Europe would become another.
Each doing business(or not) with each other! And subsequently equalising the balance of trade around the world. So that no single nation could undercut any other with regard to products.
With me so far?
The European Union was formed from the old 'Common Market' idea of the '60's.
The thinking is that if Euro nations band together, they'll counter the 'threat' of over production and cheap imports from 'None E:U states' I.e China; South Korea; Japan;
The U.S. etc.
And if you can create a new currency that runs across all member states, theory is that ANYBODY from ANY E:U country. Can freely live and work ANYWHERE within the E:U.
Weights; measures; pay; taxation etc. will ALL be standardised across ALL member states!
This idea was opposed by Britain when it was first mooted about a 'single European Currency' back in the late '80's.
Because it essentially helps to erode a countries identity!
Since then. Following several economic recessions; slowdowns; Brit.P.M. Thatcher's government selling off EVERY national asset/production company.(Energy. Coal. Gas. Car production. Ship building. Etc.) saying that they were no longer prepared to back them with public money!
Thus: Britain no longer produces competitive products on a mass scale. Germany, France, Italy on the other hand, DO!
So in order to be 'seen' as a member of the E:U club. 70% of all imports(estimated)
come from Europe. Plus the U.K is the fifth largest contributor (financially)
The proposed new version of the E:U is the vision of Angela Merkel(German chancellor) and the French premier Hollande.
But it does not suit Britain as it largely favours the more industrial nations.
There are other issues too!
There are lots of conditions to being in this 'club'. Including following directives from various quangos within the E:U that it's said hinder productivity. Including the Working Time directive and others.
GeniUs · 56-60, M
I came up with an analogy of the EU the other day which I thought explained it and why we shouldn't be part of it perfectly:
It's like a room full of drunkards some staggering, some on the floor, the UK is staggering and trying to help the rest of them up. Let's sober up before we start trying to help other people.
GeniUs · 56-60, M
haha! I said exactly the same about the Scots Independence vote before it happened and only yesterday on here. If Sammond had shown he had a plan that looked ok, the Scots would have voted for independence. With the EU 'suddenly' none of the leading politicians want to leave so it's not in their interest to draw up a plan.
Such a complex subject. I'm British and firmly support staying in for a whole bunch of reasons mostly economic but is the eu in need of change... Yes it is far from perfect so in balance I go for the second option
GeniUs · 56-60, M
and as if by magic...
EuphoricTurtle · 41-45, M
As a citizen of an EU country I think that despite its shortcomings and flaws the EU is still the best option for Europe and European interests in a Global Market.
NormanHarvey · 31-35, M
@pickle thx for the well thought out answer mate.I learnt a lot today. Maybe this site isn't bad after all😜
NormanHarvey · 31-35, M
@GeniUs you have a way with words man. Lol
Picklebobble · 56-60, M
Personally I don't think Europe/common market/the E:U. Has EVER been what we hoped it would be!
I think that it's worrying how all major political parties in the U:K are vocally saying they WANT to STAY.
Yet THEY are the ones who moan incessantly about it!
It's also very disrespectful to assume voters are sufficiently stupid to think a 'STAY' vote is likely!!!
They might do well to set out a plan and explain their plans should the majority vote to quit !!
GeniUs · 56-60, M
Let's get out the rest of Europe have been rubber dicking us for years and laughing about it behind our backs.
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NormanHarvey · 31-35, M
@ Geni exactly charity begins at home. By the way, as a Pom, how do you feel about the first Muslim mayor of london
NormanHarvey · 31-35, M
@GeniUs Sure mate this is afterall the Internet where you have to be super concise to cater brats with short attention span.
GeniUs · 56-60, M
I've done the bit where you spend 5 minutes giving the pros and cons for somebody to pronounce 'that's crap' when it clearly isn't (to anybody who can think) so I gave the short version this time :)
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GeniUs · 56-60, M
Not a problem with it as long as he does the job properly which shouldn't be too hard, we've had stupid left (Red Ken) and stupid right (Boris the buffoon) so hopefully sensible muslim lad will show them how to do it. Not even sure what the Lord Mayor of London's responsibilities are.
I'm looking at it this way. Firstly I object to the idea of being ruled by people who I had no say in electing. Secondly the NHS is already struggling to cope and having even more people moving into the UK won't do that any good at all. Thirdly I think the EU has become a gravy train where loads of politicians get rich at the taxpayer's expense. I'm expecting that my view will not be smiled at. I don't care. I'm only saying what I believe to be true. The EU is bad for the UK and, when I think of Greece, Italy and Spain to name a few countries that aren't doing too well, I don't see how it can be good.

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