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I Have a Question

What are your thoughts on abortion?
BlondOne89 · 31-35, F
I'm pro-choice. I would like if people used contraception and didn't get pregnant in the first place, but no woman should have to have a baby if she doesn't want to do so.
Lickitysplit · 70-79, M
I believe that abortion is the individual woman's choice up until the time when the fetus becomes viable as a child outside the womb and until the fetus feels pain. Both of those things happen right around 20 weeks (Five months). Additionally, scientists currently believe that the fetus at about 20 weeks becomes a self-aware human child

Therefore, I believe that a woman should be allowed to have an abortion with no questions asked, for any reason she so chooses, up until 20 weeks. However, after 20 weeks, abortion should be totally illegal except to save the life of the mother.

I can think of no reasons, including rape or incest, (perhaps a few that are way out there) why a woman could not and would not make a decision and carry out that decision to abort before 20 weeks. To cover those very rare circumstances, the law could provide for a hearing before a judge to determine whether or not an exception should be made using a "preponderance of the evidence" criteria for adjudication. For example in the case of a child who was prevented by parents from seeking an abortion before 20 weeks, or in the case of a woman who was kidnapped and prevented from seeking the abortion.
annie616pop · 26-30, F
To arrive at the crossroads of making the decision to have an abortion or keep a baby is a painful and complex situation for any girl or woman. I'm just thankful we live in a country where it is still possible for a woman to make a choice. I shudder to think if that situation should change by either a reversal to a Supreme Court decision or the election of a President that would tip the scales against choice.
Chrisredfeild · 46-50, M
Result of rape or incest ok, as a form of birth
Lickitysplit · 70-79, M
Divich - the argument over abortion always has been a matter of when a fetus becomes a human child.

Unfortunately both sides have taken extreme position with the pro life activists saying that human life begins at conception. There is a religious argument thatcan be made, but with religious freedom it is not reasonable to impose that position on everyone.

The pro choice activists also have taken the extreme position that a fetus does not become a human until the fetus takes its first natural unassisted breath outside the womb.

The problem is science, medicine, and common sense. If a fetus achieved self awareness, can feel pain, and can survive and grow to maturity outside the womb, even if medical assistance is needed, then it is not reasonable not to consider the fetus at that time to be human ant the termination of its life to be a form of murder.
Haylani · 26-30
I believe it should be a right for all who need it. There are a myriad of reasons why someone would need an abortion, and the fact of the matter is that outlawing abortions doesn't stop abortions from happening. They should be allowed, and I view it as a necessary right.
Bellabong · F
I'm pro-choice.
If a teen girl get's pregnant from a sexual abuse, abortion is needed. If a person sleeps around with no protection and gets pregnant from, abortion is just cruel.
Chrisredfeild I don't think people use it as a form of birthcontrol. But what do you think people should do with these children that they cant keep for several reason ?
Chrisredfeild · 46-50, M
@poptart, use contraception first (not the trucker method" ,of have it and give up to adoption or be a Sereget (there are folks who can't an want kids)
mic11225 · 26-30, M
Pro choice for the most part. I think at a certain point you should have the baby though. Ideally the problem is dealt with before its even a fetus.
I think it's okay when the girl was raped, abused by a relative, or the health of the mother is at risk. Other than that I am very much for adoption.
GoodoldBob · 61-69, M
An abominable crime comparable to what happened in Nazi concentration camps. Helpless innocent human lives ended without mercy
PTCdresser57 · 61-69, M
It is an individuals personal choice.No one has a right to judge someone for choosing for ir against it.
wallflowerguy · 26-30, M
I guess, its literally killing , and one should not take life making a joke.
Muldoon · 56-60, M
Shouldn't the husband have a say in it if they are married?
I wonder if all the pro choice people thank there mamma every day !

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