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Opinions on abortion?

Poll - Total Votes: 30
Always OK and it's the mothers choice only!
OK as long as the father and mother agree.
Only OK if the mother was raped or baby or mother had health complications.
Only OK if mother was raped.
Never OK!
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Opinions on abortion?
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coltoneverett17 · 26-30, M
Nunlover It's a person long before its ever born just like a puppy is a puppy when they aren't born yet and a kitten is a kitten a baby is a baby! A baby has a heartbeat and brainwaves at only 40 days post conception.
I think it's okay until the brain is formed. After that, it's murder. That being said, I don't think a rape victim, or anyone, should be forced to carry someone to term, because a fetus is essentially a parasite and it's up to the host as to whether or not they desire to allow that parasite to be brought into the world as a separate being. In short, I think it's the decision of the person possessing the womb in question.
No cotton , when its born it becomes a person and then it's murder , you're barking up the wrong tree her ,actuly it might not be a bad idea
MaliaAgain · 36-40, F
Of course I'm not talking about a baby at a viable age. My nephew was born at 24 weeks and he is an awesome 6 year old. I know several people who have given birth to preemies with or without major health complications. I hope that your cousin being born alive is the "experience" you are referring to because its just not the same. Melody was born at 20 weeks. The hospital didn't even try to help her live because at that stage a "baby" is not considered viable. The cut off is 24. Some people refer to my daughter as a miscarriage, some say stillborn, medical term is spontaneous abortion. I simply say she is my daughter. She was my daughter from the moment I knew she existed. I really wished my daughter had lived and even now, a year and a half later I consider her a part of my family and honor her in any way I can. That, however, does not give me the right to dictate how another woman lives their life and what they do or don't do with their body. What would you do about the women who abuse drugs or alcohol during pregnancy? What about a pregnancy endangering the mother's life? What about those who know their child will be abused because they themselves are being abused? I could tell you some horrid stories of childhood sexual and physical abuse, but I don't think it would matter.

Of course none wants babies to die. In my opinion, instead of spending so much energy and resources (including money) on anti abortion efforts, there should be a push for contraception, programs for pregnant and mothering indigent women and adoption programs.
That's one of those things i can't exactly judge another person for doing. I know i never would, but i have no idea what's truly happening in other people's lives. Now i do have a huge problem with people getting pregnant and half 6 or 7. But that's just me.
MaliaAgain · 36-40, F
It may be controversial but I believe women have the right to chose what happens within their bodies. Of course adoption would be a much better option, but that is not for me to decide. A few weeks after my baby died, a cousin posted about needing to have an abortion because she couldn't feed two kids as she is already struggling with one. I expected to feel repulsed and outraged. Here I was unable to have a healthy living child, and she was throwing one away. But I didn't feel that way. I still believe I am not the one to decide what happens to another's life. I wondered if her baby would join my baby in heaven, but that was about it. I have always believed that abortion is the lesser evil to child abuse. unwanted children are often neglected and abused. As I child protection social worker I constantly see the horrible things that happen to children.
Prevention better than abortion.
MaliaAgain · 36-40, F
I didn't say anything about females agreeing or not. As to men having an opinion. the only man that gets to have an opinion is the baby's father. and even then is just an opinion to be taken under consideration. If the father could grow the baby himself, I'm sure more girls would avoid abortion.
MaliaAgain · 36-40, F
@joseph, what an argument. And yes I am a democrat, and no, I have not had an abortion in the sense of this question being asked
coltoneverett17 · 26-30, M
I believe all people should have a choice on what to do with their own bodies too but the baby inside them is not their body!
I'm not female so it's none of my business, her body, her call.
coltoneverett17 · 26-30, M
ImMalia Actually I do have experience and an unborn baby is not just a clump of cells anyone who looks at an ultrasound can see that and they can also see that they have a heartbeat and brainwaves at 40 days that is a living human being not a clump of cells also abortion is allowed in some places up until 36 weeks! My cousin was born at 25 weeks and she was definitely a baby and is now definitely a little girl!
ImMalia So insightful right?
I believe in the right to choose
Colton ,when its in her body it belongs to her and it's her call
It's the woman's body so it's her choice
coltoneverett17 · 26-30, M
nolongerhere · 100+, M
Mother's choice always, but in a family situation both breeders should come to an agreement on what to do.
Personally though, certain reasons shouldn't be legally applied to this.
MaliaAgain · 36-40, F
believe it or not, there is a difference between a baby and a clump of cells. I held my daughter in my arms as her heart stopped beating, so unless you have any personal experience, dont talk to me about dying babies. you are entitled to your opinion but not to make the decision
Abortions! I mean there comes a time when you should realize i could be preventing, instead of getting pregnant and aborting so many times.
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coltoneverett17 · 26-30, M
ImMalia lol that argument is kinda invalid considering the fact that thousands of females agree with me on the subject and yes if you ask me men should have a say!
MaliaAgain · 36-40, F
coltoneverett17 · yes, men should be the ones to decide on this topic
In my opinion it's her choice, either way.
coltoneverett17 · 26-30, M
Distancerunner But it's not her body it's a completely separate babies body!
coltoneverett17 · 26-30, M
Nunlover But the babies body is not her body!
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coltoneverett17 · 26-30, M
Callmehopelessnotromantic have 6 or 7 abortions or six or 7 kids?
coltoneverett17 · 26-30, M
Nunlover when it's outside her body it still belongs to her is her child so if you go by that logic I still belonged to my mom after I was born so according to your logic she could kill me then too!
Chickie · F
I honesly don't think I could get an abortion myself, but one of the worst thing someone can do is bring an unwanted child into this world look at what happens to foster children or forcing a woman to have a kid she can't take care of.
coltoneverett17 · 26-30, M
ImMalia I think all people should be able to have an opinion on the murder of someone including a baby
Abortion is selfish perversion done by and for perverts. That's my final opinion *unsubscribes*
JosephR17 · 26-30, M
First off, only health complications. Second off, fucking democrats

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