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I Have a Question

You know what is great about this site. I learn more ideas and thoughts from people that are way younger than me. Never not add someone because of age......... wisdom does not always come with years on this planet. Keep sharing and others keep learning. Love to read and learn from people of all ages. <3
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Cinnamon · 31-35, F
This is so true. It's way easier to talk to younger and older people here than in most real-life situations and we've got so much to learn from each other.
Highonheels · 51-55, M
@Cinnamon I like your user name , it’s hot , lol get it cinnamon , hot 😂😂😂. Anyway yea that’s pretty true I agree.
Tell em👍🏻
geekoo · 41-45, M
nice to see different peoplewith similar thoughts and experiences. tho i am a bit shy to share all of them yet
limytheboo · 56-60, F
I add any age and if nice they stay if not...block. Most are very courteous and mature. some of the older ones.....not so much hahaha
Are you afraid of adding below 18. I am so paranoid of underage people. I never get into sex stuff but have tried to steer clear of underaged. I hate having to do that tho, there have been some that I would have replied to but back off.
Highonheels · 51-55, M
@SW-User yes I hear you , I haven’t seen a lot of profiles that actually say thier under 18 but I have talked to people that thier profiles say thier 18-21 but then they have groups that say thier younger/ underage and some of the 18-21’s have been very rude too me but some have also been fairly polite too, but yea I’m afraid to add anyone underage for fear of inappropriate conversations with minors which I try to avoid those types of conversations at all really but yea I agree with you it’s pretty scary exspecailly online.
anoderod55 · 61-69, M
agree . personally i think some go to your profile and check . then lay judgement because others don't like what they do . have a good day . :-)
Sam4358 · 46-50, M
Thank you for being so open-minded, Limy! All of us can learn from others, as long as we want to.
limytheboo · 56-60, F
Yes, clone so do I and maybe my problems are not so serious. LOL
limytheboo · 56-60, F
I had all four pulled and wisdom came out with them.............true story LOL
Flash · 18-21, M
I agree. Age does not define maturity.
my problem is very serious and it mostly include alive, talking people
LanceVance · M
I have a crapload of wisdom. Not enough to avoid using words like crapload, but a lot.
limytheboo · 56-60, F
Thanks you as well :)
I have wisdom teeth but no wisdom.😣😣
i learn everyday that i am not that crazy when i meet new people on sw
limytheboo · 56-60, F
I agree Cinanamon :)
limytheboo · 56-60, F
Sorry clone :(
limytheboo · 56-60, F
I like crapload........wouldn't comprehend the big fancy words anyway .:)
Zonuss · 46-50, M
Well thank you kindly sweet lady. =)

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