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Why would a poem be tagged as adult sensitive?

It was a wholesome poem
I noticed it was tagged that way,

can someone explain?!
bookerdana · M
I have a peanuts cartoon labeled adult...bots
1Dogma · F
@bookerdana that makes sense
calicuz · 56-60, M

"Nuts" set off the bot.
bookerdana · M
@calicuz And its in my folder,hurting no one😤 Poo-bah,they can stick it in their.......ear!
revenant · F
I wrote banal words like turkey and was immediately labelled as " adult sensitive"...I do not bother but pass
Pfuzylogic · M
i am thinking it is the term “ignorant” since they tag any response with that term in it. It can be ised as a personal attack.
Pfuzylogic · M
Many times there is no active screening.
They have a program that seeks out key words as they list them.
1Dogma · F
@Pfuzylogic now I understand, still an unfair judgement
Pfuzylogic · M
You can always put an asterisk at the end of the word to keep it simple. air will then make the string of characters not on their list as in ignorant*
Lostpoet · M
It's a sexy poem and some people just can't handle that. I've had one of my poems tagged as fetish when there's nothing fetishy in it.
1Dogma · F
@Lostpoet it's not sexy at all but sentimental, rather emotional
Lostpoet · M
@1Dogma i want to read it 😡
There are word sensitive people here, the vocabulary police, it is all blasphemy
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
I've had replies marked sensitive, and it wasn't 😏
The ghost of sw.🤔
calicuz · 56-60, M
I wish I could explain a lot of things around here.
It’s become absolutely ridiculous in this place. Seriously so many Karen’s ! Lol 😆
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1Dogma · F
@swirlie really 🙄
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