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Any Psychologist here?

I answered a question and earned a little, but asker didn't rate my answer, I wonder if my viewpoint is relevant?

the topic was movie violence in relation to classical conditioning,

A child exhibits a certain behavior like fear when presented a certain stimulus over and over again. The mind will be conditioned to respond to the stimulus when he experiences it repeatedly. Hence, behavior can be learned. A child might associate darkness as scary or dangerous after watching movies that depicts violence which always occurs at nighttime.

Hence the concepts made by psychologists imply that behavior can be learned and conditioned.
Ontheroad · M Best Comment
I think any behavior can be learned... both positive and negative, but I also think the extent to which it is learned differs from child to child. Likewise, that learned behavior can be changed to a more positive behavior.

If one (child or adult) is exposed to X repeatedly and over a long period of time, then they are going to gradually act/react in a certain way or even believe in something patently absurd.
@Ontheroad very well said!

Therapy is not will power, giving in to others direction is not constructive in our own direction.

I say that as my parents divorced when i was 4 ,the Therapy that was forced upon me made me feel inferior to my classmates, it wasnt until i was in my late 20's that i let go of what therapy installed in my mind, and ive thrived ever since, by simply being who i am, not what others want me to be.
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
Yes it is like building a stress response but these connections, how strong they are, how deep they go and how they connect to what they connect to can get quite complicated and does not always work in the simplistic way we might thing. I noticed that I lost my fear of the things I was afraid of in early life.
@Subsumedpat how did you manage to lose the fear?
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
@SW-User I did not do anything it just went away as I got older, I speculate that when I was little my fears seemed rational to me at the time but as I got older I just naturally understood that there were no real connections and they went away. No doubt that serious trauma would override that and you would have a PTSD connection to that kind of trauma that would not easily go away.
Pfuzylogic · M
I would agree with that. One of the biggest challenges people face is that they don’t know what is triggering their behavior because they haven’t processed their emotions.
@Pfuzylogic good point!
Pfuzylogic · M
@SW-User I taught high school with graduate studies in Psychology.
I am very comfortable in the field.
@Pfuzylogic great! I have the degree but didn't teach the subject
Psychologist on SW 🤔

[image/video deleted]
Are you kidding?! The worlds best psychologists live on this site. 😂🙄

Of course behavior can be learned and also turned into habit.
@SW-User I know! that's why there are a lot of mental issues here 😅

habits die hard!
@SW-User Yep!
This is where I come for all my psychological needs. 😆🤪

@SW-User good site for mental problems huh 🤭

so you're not habitual to any kind!
revenant · F
am no psychologist. Horror movies can also be exteriorisation. You do not have to become Freddy Krueger lol
@revenant aww, I can't watch such, too much! Lol
revenant · F
@SW-User children love them and they have their roles.
@revenant oh brave ones!
Quimliqer · 70-79, M
You make a strong argument!!
@Quimliqer thanks! now, that's a positive note.
ImRileyTheDog · 22-25, F
I really enjoy psychology a lot
@ImRileyTheDog yeah, understanding human behavior is complex but interesting...

Once, I interviewed a psychopath
Ynotisay · M
But isn't most all behavior that isn't instinctual or driven by a physiological abnormality learned behavior? Our behaviors are informed by what we see, hear and experience.
@Ynotisay true. environment plays a major role especially for a child
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
No psychologists here, only amateurs. The debate about violence in movies/TV/video games is as old as the hills and there is no consensus. I personally think that exposure to violence CAN be cathartic but can also be desensitizing. I believe that it can influence aggressive behavior from way down in the nervous system, but then again, I'm not a mental health pro, just going by my own experiences and observations.
@uncalled4 point taken, it depends on the mental psyche of the person
MethDozer · M
Disagree. I think it is jusy the opposite. Children who are sheltered from dark themes tend to grow up to be the most fearful adults. They lacked developing coping with fear and dark concepts in hir formative years.
@MethDozer you got a point there 🤔
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
@MethDozer It's kind of both, the darkness must be measured. Too little and you get what you said, too much you break them. Sort of like allergies where exposure can trigger them but it can also make the reaction decrease
MethDozer · M
@Jackaloftheazuresand True. Very true. Yet we as a society are so far off from iver exposing them these days it isn't really evan worth discussing.

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