I miss yahoo
msros · F
@SW-User Not Nathan??
Would Israel do better or worse without Netenyahoo?
I was expecting options as "Better", "Worse", "Don't know enough to answer". Yes & No seems confusing to me.
I was expecting options as "Better", "Worse", "Don't know enough to answer". Yes & No seems confusing to me.
PicturesOfABetterTomorrow · 41-45, M
Hard to say for sure. Probably but there are actually people in their government crazier than him, so it could go even more sideways depending on who replaces him.
bijouxbroussard · F
It depends on what kind of country Israel wants to be. If they want to be able treat other groups of people with the same types of racism and discrimination many of their own citizens once experienced in other countries, Netanyahu is their guy. If they want to work past that, they need to find someone more progressive.

That's up to Israel.
carpediem · 61-69, M
Much worst
eli1601 · 70-79, M
Silenvoices · 41-45, M
Any one come to power in Israel - he will be same - Leader of Land Grabber
PicturesOfABetterTomorrow · 41-45, M
Bibi is a clown.
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