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What do y'all think about transgender bathrooms?

Poll - Total Votes: 34
I agree with them.
I disagree with them.
I disagree with them not because of transgender people but because of molesters.
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What do y'all think about transgender bathrooms?
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Nettle · F
@Pixiecutlover - regardless of your personal opinions on other people's mental health, we're talking about transgender people here, NOT paedophiles, rapists, murderers, or cannibals. So why do you claim that "the public" needs to be protected from them? Frankly, and your attitude only makes it more clear, THEY need protecting from certain members of "the public" - the kind of people who go to peaceful demonstrations and start a riot, the kind of people who torch the home of a paediatrician in the mistaken belief that paediatrician is the same word as paedophile, the kind of people who think that everyone who is DIFFERENT must be mentally ill and extremely dangerous! The kind of people who want to destroy and/or kill everything they don't understand!

As for transgender bathrooms, I don't really see the need - if a man who looks like a woman goes into the men's toilets, obviously it'll cause problems, even if they're not sexual or violent problems! And if a woman who looks like a man goes in the ladies' room, obviously THAT will cause shrieks and complaints! So the logical thing - the thing that's been happening FOREVER anyway - is for anyone who looks like a man to go in the gents, and if they don't have a penis, they use a cubicle. And anyone who looks like a woman goes into the ladies' room - if they DO have a penis, nobody's likely to complain about them standing in front of the toilet to pee, because it's nobody else's business! Plus they could just as easily be emptying a catheter bag ...

Why insist on adding a fourth kind of restroom? (In addition to mens, ladies, and disabled?) Maybe it's time to consider them to be PEOPLE'S toilets, and who cares what gender you are or whether you dress for your genitals? The only real differences between mens and womens toilets are;
1. urinals. Obviously women would normally not want to even TRY!
2. number of cubicles. If a man needed a cubicle toilet, and couldn't use the men's because it was in use, or out of order, what right-minded woman would complain about him using one of the ladies cubicles??
3. Queues. Women know all about that! Imagine if we could go in the gents instead? Especially for any woman who has the knack of using a urinal without piddling on her feet, that would be so convenient, and cut down on queues at the ladies loos dramatically!!
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A third type of bathroom is impractical. If they have a penis they belong in the men's room.
what ever they became...they one would go through all of that pain and discomfort to harass people in bathrooms
It's a non issue. It wasn't a problem before until the social justice crusaders came and started making a big deal and now they have encouraged the biggots into a debate they otherwise wouldn't of cared about. It's a shame the trans community has to suffer so a few students and journalists can score social justice brownie points from their peers. 😤
coltoneverett17 · 26-30, M
GrinchFairy I think it puts everyone in danger. No I don't but they also aren't stalled bathrooms and I don't have any molesters,rapists,sex offenders etc visiting my bathrooms.
LoveChild · 26-30, F
It's a very minor issue. People are dying.
ladycae · 100+, F
@wingeddove no one says you have to accept them ot love them, you just have to let them live them live their lives with out hate or abuse. There was a time when incontinent people were shut away in asylums because they were different.
PTCdresser57 · 61-69, M
Why not just make them all unisex bathrooms with locks on the doors. Easy fix to the problem.
@ptc thats an easy fix if we lived in a world where males and females felt comfortable going to the bathroom next to eachother. Most don't.
Indieoriginal · 61-69, M
Government toiletlitarianism.
They are not needed. One should use the bathroom of the gender they asdociate as. Go to a sporting event or concert and watch women come out of men's restroom in droves. These restrooms will only cause trouble. Or a potential for it.
I say no because what a waste of money.... Only a tiny percentage of people would ever need them
LoveChild · 26-30, F
@wingedserpent: Read between the lines? I said it's a minor issue (compared to) people dying (around he world). There is no real problem. It's a few people blowing up nothing into a big issue.
ladycae · 100+, F
@pixie, they are not very sick mentally ill people.they should not be removed from public the public. They are just people dealing with an issue. it is not your issue, but that doesn't make it ok to bash them as you have. try to educate yourself on the issue. TALK TO SOME transgender people and find out about them before you make a decision based on obvious ignorance.
ladycae · 100+, F
i said winged doggie because you were calling me nasty names. but doggs are to nice to be called you, so how about winged cockroach. ah i like that better. the original wingeddove was simply an error. but you took it off and ruining so i didn't have the heart to tell you. i hope i helped you get rid of some of your stress today. it must be hard running around carrying that chip on your shoulder. This will however be my last post. i am worried yo might stroke out or have a heart attack from all the saliva dripping off your fangs, those bulging veins and the smoke blowing out your ass. you have a nice life tata
TheShanachie · 61-69, M
Bathrooms generally are unpleasant,smelly places that regardless of what type they are,male,female,whatever,co-gender,are going to be smelly,people are going to go in,get to a stall whether it be toilet or urinal,do their business,hold their nose,avoid others,and leave. In general, I would say Transgender pose no threat since they are there for the same reason as everyone else, use it,hold your nose,and leave! It is funny, of the people that are so concerned about transgender in the bathroom,ever stop to think how many non transgender gay are there? some of them,aggressive to the max about their sexuality,but most just minding their own business.
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Abbenthewarwolf · 18-21, M
@ladycae.I never heard of that and if so then virtually everyone should have been in one since everyone have been incontinent at some point in their life.( bed wetting is a form of incontinence also.which I have done since childhood) and no one said they should be exterminated.or put on a island and nuked.Hell I don't hate them! Like I said I don't care what bathroom they use.or what they choose to do with their lives.aslong as it doesn't involve me. I'm sorry if I gave you that impression. I'm a very anti-social being.tbh being on Sw is as social as it gets for me except for necessity in interacting with humanity.I wouldn't at all.
Abbenthewarwolf · 18-21, M
@ladycae.and your right.A God did just Laughed at you.and I will Laugh Again.HAHA.
Abbenthewarwolf · 18-21, M have common sense I like that.
ladycae · 100+, F
i was at a march on Washington. the women's bathroom had a line 2 miles log. the men's had none. a bunch of us women rotted into the men's room and used the stalls sing helen readys "i am woman hear me roar". lol them were fine with it. no one was assaulted, hated, or mentally ill. it's a bathroom. a lot of businesses and stores have unisex bathrooms. i's 2016, the world is changing, people no longer live a miserable scared life in secret and they should not have to.Stop being freaked out by differences because i would lay money on the fact that if your life were examined you are different too.
ladycae · 100+, F
@ wingedwolf pmsl. thank you, i needed a god laugh. i hate to disappoint yu but i am a woman from my tits to my toes. i was born a woman and i have no desire to be a man, but nice try sir
Abbenthewarwolf · 18-21, M
@lovelylucy. Dying to use the opposite sex bathroom? Really??
ladycae · 100+, F
@ wingeddoggie you are just making a fool out of yourself, but keep on going. i am enjoying it.i'm not sure where hristian and God came in to the conversation but if it floats your boat to consider yourself a god, go for i. but i assure you i have never had a penis flopping around between my legs when i ran. now hard and fast between my egs yes. i let my bf read your responses and he's laughing so hard he's crying. now he is calling me his fake woman wife lol. so you have give us both a good laugh. i must remind yu though of earlier comment you made

"I have my reasons.I don't like being mean to others until they insist upon trying to make you accept them and their behavior or if you don't your no fucking good and you get called a bunch of hate filled names.for not liking their life style. Goes to show who the real haters are!!"

lol you have said i am no fucking good and have called me hate filled names just for having a different opinion than you. yes you've shown who the real hater is.

you have a nice day, thanks for making mine so enjoyably funny
Picklebobble · 56-60, M
Getting a bit sick of this transgender pro/anti thing going on.
If folk called them UNISEX bathrooms. Nobody would care!
Honestly I think that it'll put the trans in more danger. Seriously they could get cornerd in there and get assaulted. Its like putting a sign on their backs that say "hey im trans come beat the shit out of me". It doesn't matter what bathroom they use. Do you have specific gender only bathrooms at your home? I think not.
Abbenthewarwolf · 18-21, M
@ladycae.why didn't you correct that error? You had plenty of time to do so I waited more than an hour but you never did.why?? And here you are again being nasty! Some Christian you are.first you insult me.and never apologize.didn't have any intentions of doing so.and when I claim innocence!!! What a joke.again you give love a bad name.I pity you.misguided should be ashamed of yourself as old as you are.smh.have a blessed evening ladycae.even though you not deserving of one.
Abbenthewarwolf · 18-21, M
@ginchfairy.I have a specific gender only bathroom. No house my rules.hahaha
Abbenthewarwolf · 18-21, M
@ladycae.again I never called you anything but ladycae! Until you insult who you insult Christian.
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
I think it's rediculous really. People should be able to use the bathroom of the gender they identify with.. It's just a damn bathroom..
I think people just like bitching about anything really. I mean come on all this media shit and so on over bathrooms. Kinda pathetic I think
Abbenthewarwolf · 18-21, M know lady I'm guilty of being hateful to other than heterosexual people also sometimes.especially gays people.I have my reasons.I don't like being mean to others until they insist upon trying to make you accept them and their behavior or if you don't your no fucking good and you get called a bunch of hate filled names.for not liking their life style. Goes to show who the real haters are!!!!! Tbh I don't give a shit what public bathroom they use . I don't use any of them period.don't have to. I'm incontinent of bladder and haven't any control over it. So I'm well diapered.and if I have to poop I can do that at home.I don't socialize in public or have the need to.
Abbenthewarwolf · 18-21, M
I know it's stupidity.if you caught some chick standing at the urinal because she thought she was a dude.what would you think is going to happen to her? She doesn't have a penis to whip out and pee with! So the fuck is she doing there? You tell me??
Abbenthewarwolf · 18-21, M
@ladycae.and what did you call me? A winged what? Dove? You got me fucked up!!!!! Winged destroyer.if you only knew.never a softie.remember that!!! Becarful whom you insult.
Abbenthewarwolf · 18-21, M
@picklebob.I hate that title too what the Hell is a unisexual? Lol
Abbenthewarwolf · 18-21, M wish skunk. In your mind you were born a woman.and it is a good laugh but I'm frowning wish you were drowing.instead your the future watch your mouth punk.fake ass Christian there is nothing christlike about you or the others who claims to be Christian!!!!
Abbenthewarwolf · 18-21, M
@ladycae.I don't like being mean to others. And I'm nobody's winged dove bitch!!!!! Like I said you think you can insult me and I wouldn't notice? Like with the winged doggie.Fuck you hoe.
Abbenthewarwolf · 18-21, M I said you give Christians a bad name.wait a all gave that hateful religion a bad name.the Christ wouldn't have anything to do with such nonsense that fall out that whore of a mouth of yours slut except shut it the fuck up.your just a harlot by the for the dumpster.because that is all you are TRASH!!! Later worthless cunt.
Abbenthewarwolf · 18-21, M
@ladycae.on second stanking ass.fake bitch.I know you're really a man pretending to be a woman. I should have known.given your replys. I would gladly push the button and nuke all that are of diseased minded like you!!!! And send you straight to hell where you belong.fucking faggot.I had my full of you queers on Ep pretending to be women.messenging me.I hate you all.not the ones that don't message men faking to be women.but you flaming fucking queens you I hate.and hope the maggots eat your ass holes out and the rest of your corrupted dirt skunk.burn in hell.

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