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I Have a Question

If you have an argument and someone really winds you up and says horrible things to you and you say horrible things back admitted yours worser Doe's that make you have a ugly heart or is it just heat of moment I know sometimes I can't take word's back but when I am angry that blurt out Doe's that mean I have an ugly heart and ugly on inside.
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Nomad84 · 70-79, M
Saying horrible things to somebody in the heat of the moment is not necessarily a mistake. We should defend ourselves and stand up for ourselves.
We're human.

We make mistakes.

We learn.

Not wanting to fix it afterwards makes you a bad person.
Sallysales33 · 41-45, F
I always apologize and feel guilty and regret what I have said not so much recently more when I was younger
Nomad84 · 70-79, M
Not at all. It only means that you are human :)

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