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PrivateHell · M
In the ask question section you can create your own headline. In the story section you have to use and existing group/headline
This is NOT a question.
Or this--
This is a question--
How is the weather where you are?
Or this--
This is a question--
How is the weather where you are?
@Elandra77 lol
hlpflwthat · M
What's really funny is that this is posted as a story in the 'I Have A Question' group 😏
This site is modeled after a former site called Experience Project. Ep had a few more categories of 'experience' involving dreams and confessions. At that site, Q & A was more about banter and forum-style conversations while stories were just that, for the most part.
This site is modeled after a former site called Experience Project. Ep had a few more categories of 'experience' involving dreams and confessions. At that site, Q & A was more about banter and forum-style conversations while stories were just that, for the most part.
Good question. But maybe there is a word limit. I haven't tested it to find out.