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I Have a Question

Unfortunately you can't get away with posts like this without being accused of attention seeking but I barely speak to anyone anyway as I'm so quiet. Why is it always the nicest people who tries to help everybody who ends up feeling the loneliest, and most of all being in denial of it. Anybody else get me? :(
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missialeri98 · 26-30, F
I just get used for my kindness, and because I'm quiet they assume I'm boring and I always seem to be the one to make the effort and not even getting any back... It hurts and I try to bottle it up but it's really starting to get to me.
Yes unfortunately that's just the way it seems to be with those whom want to be helpful. No one seems to want to bother with helpers unless they have a problem.
jackson55 · M
Don't let it bother you. There are way more people seeking attention here than seeking help.
jackson55 · M
Careful, you put your heart out there and someone will step on it.
spikem · M
yup, i totally do
missialeri98 · 26-30, F
Wise words!
BonkerBandar · 31-35, M
KingArcher · 26-30, M
The nicest people give away all of the good they can for other people and they never have any left for themselves
diablo · 51-55, M
I certainly do get you... and I may be a diablo :P but you can see in my stories that I am a kind one 😃😊☺
missialeri98 · 26-30, F
Thank you, it's always good to have people who understand.

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