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I Have a Question

Do you think there should be mandatory drug testing for all welfare recipients?
FriendlyBryan · 51-55, M
No, but I do think there should be mandatory drug testing for all politicians.
Cosreal · 36-40
No. My bf smokes weed cause he's a pothead, yes. ~_~ BUUT it's recommended by his docs to help ease his muscle spasms, help with his appetite, help ease his pain, n his depression. Etc. He has MS. No cure, n smoking weed is better than being high off pills all the time. He's on permanent disability. Til they find a cure anyway. Here's hoping n praying. 💕💙

Many are in the same or similar situations as him.
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
I never did really answer the question properly, I just turned the comment into my displeasure at our war on drugs. The way things stand now even though I think drugs should be legal, just like alcohol is legal, cigarettes are legal, 32oz sodas are legal. With regards to welfare drug testing, yes they absolutely should be tested. If you can afford drugs maybe you don't need to be on welfare and it is not fair for people working a job to be drug tested as a requirement of keeping their job so they can pay taxes so people can collect welfare from those taxes. In addition their being on drugs can keep them from getting a job and off welfare so for those reasons I change my answer. But I still think drugs should be legalized.
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
No I don't think so, the drug free workplace keeps more people off of drugs than the government ever thought of. I would never do meth or crack or any kind of cocaine no matter what they law just like I don't get drunk. They did this in Portugal and five years later, the number of deaths from street drug overdoses dropped from around 400 to 290 annually, and the number of new HIV cases caused by using dirty needles to inject heroin, cocaine and other illegal substances plummeted from nearly 1,400 to about 400. It just sounds like a crazy idea at first but when you seriously look at it and think about the fact that drug violence comes from fighting over the government created black market not the drugs it makes sense.
@Dick: Why would it matter? Because in essence, YOU (taxpayers) would be partially supporting the welfare recipients drug habit!
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
I am not saying I would take them, making meth should be illegal because it is so dangerous with those chemicals. The death and violence we get over people fighting over the drug trade totally eclipses the harm the drug itself does especially since the war on drugs did not stop drugs anyway. Legalize drugs to kill the black market responsible for the violence and treat the rest of it as a medical and employment problem.
People with jobs have to get tested, so yes.
I don't think there should be welfare
ProfRS · 61-69, M
I have a friend that works in Wall Street. She said we would be stunned by how many of those damn people are on various drugs. If we are somehow making it a 'moral' issue. I would start with the 'community' that almost ruined our economy! :)
Cosreal · 36-40
/: I would think so, but isn't it when it's not legal by the state? It was decriminalized but still illegal in NY. n totally illegal here in IN.
hunkalove · 61-69, M
No, it would cost too much. But they should be required to do a day or two of community service every week. People on drugs wouldn't and probably couldn't do that.
But @Cosreal it's not illegal if it's recommended by a doctor.
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
no because drugs should be legal
Megan82 · F
No It is a waste of money it has been tried and the state spends a fortune and a lab make a fortune and the catch very few people! Lbs r run by campaign donators so the politicians get their kickbacks!
Yes you have to for almost most jobs, now if there is a true need for something like marijuana fine... They should get a user card.. I wish they would hurry and legalize it already...
You're referring to ALL illegal drugs? Come on now, we all know how "mind altering scary shit" crystal meth is, for one.
You don't think by legalizing all of them, a million more addicts would be "born"?
Doran10 · 80-89, M
No, just on the conservative politicians proposing the tests.
@Av maybe you don't but others do.
AvGeek · 31-35, M
I have a job. I do not get drug tested.
HatsOnFrogs · 22-25, M
Nah. Why would it matter?
Goralski · 51-55, M
And politicians

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