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Rocketman · 41-45, M
Bold, I'm a veteran too, but also a free thinker. I know where you are coming from, but I also know pride is as much a negative influence as it is a positive one. I would rather take my chances at another day to destroy the evil rather than die to save my pride.
I'm sorry, I wont bow to any traitor. Whatever the thought of getting another chance at them, what makes you think they have honor at all and will give you any chance after. Even to them you would be a coward and untrustworthy. I will never bow to anyone. If I am not an equal, I am nothing to myself by accepting someone as dishonored. Bury me with my pride and loyalty intact.
Ramon67 · 61-69, M
As a veteran . I bow down to no one .
Rocketman · 41-45, M
While death is the honorable thing to do its also the finale. Why not bow down to conspire later to overthrow the traitor. People will forget the dishonor after hailing you the hero. I choose self preservation and live to fight another day.
Would ayone bow to that guy who outed all the stuff to wikileaks. In my mind he is a traitor and should be treated as one and tossed away in a hole. I don't agree with alot our govt does without consent of the people but giving the world the stuff he did is traitor 100%. Would you bow to him. Give me the gun and I will do myself instead of bowing to any like him.
And I am a 60s hippy antiwar protester but I won be party to a traitor.
And I am a 60s hippy antiwar protester but I won be party to a traitor.
Go buy my pine box. I bow to no one.... except women.
Ramon67 · 61-69, M
EvilEmily · F
honor is useless without life... if you want to make a difference you have to life to fight another day
Chiscuit · 36-40, F
@nomar lol r u sure?
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bijouxbroussard · F
Survival means living to fight again and securing other chances to overthrow an oppressor.