Abstraction · 61-69, M
Arranged marriages have a lower divorce rate. But it's really difficult to compare because in cultures with arranged marriages women have fewer choices and shame is a big factor.
Some people are very bad at selecting partners. Most people don't really understand love. They feel it, but are happily deluded by it too - until it appears to evaporate later.
I prefer marriage for love when people know how to choose well.
Some people are very bad at selecting partners. Most people don't really understand love. They feel it, but are happily deluded by it too - until it appears to evaporate later.
I prefer marriage for love when people know how to choose well.
CarolineCarm · 36-40, F
Arranged marriage - I stress arranged, NOT forced - through my church has worked well for me, given my temperament and the traditional church-based culture in which I grew up. You may think its really weird, but given that nearly half of UK marriages eventually end in divorce, who is to say that one is better or eorse than the other.
ImperialAerosolKidFromEP · 51-55, M
@CarolineCarm well put.
What church is that?
What church is that?
CarolineCarm · 36-40, F
@ImperialAerosolKidFromEP An independent non-conformist church, not mainstream
malizz · 70-79, M
I married the love of my life but it took a long time. Arranged marriage would have been quicker.
Spoiledbrat · F
They both have benefits.

Love, of course
valobasa4ever · F
I'm totally against any type of marriage. 😌
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Knowing my parents an arranged marriage would never have lasted. Heck I kind of believe mom wouldn't have even tried. She would have felt pity for any girl that she chose.
I won't say what she once said to me when she was drunk.
I won't say what she once said to me when she was drunk.
ImperialAerosolKidFromEP · 51-55, M
It's not for everyone, but clearly some people aren't qualified to make that decision for themselves