TwiddlerofThumbs · F
When you post your random thoughts to a public forum you are opening yourself up to others opinions.
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Oside77 · 46-50, M
Everyone is entitled to agree or disagree. It's the insults that are not cool.
TwiddlerofThumbs · F
@Oside77: That's the thing. You don't get to decide in what way they choose to disagree with you.
People don;t see you like your friends see you. They don;t see the little things about you that make you, you.
They see you as some jerk off online who is looking to get laid and will react as such. If you want someone more compassionate, tell your thoughts to someone you consider a friend.
People don;t see you like your friends see you. They don;t see the little things about you that make you, you.
They see you as some jerk off online who is looking to get laid and will react as such. If you want someone more compassionate, tell your thoughts to someone you consider a friend.
Oside77 · 46-50, M
I guess it's accept it will happen or don't post it then. Hmmm...

Opinions are cool. You disagree with me fine, but the insults are a reflection of their character.
Oside77 · 46-50, M
There may be a maturity and respect factor involved as well

Fernie · F
sometimes the thoughts and feelings annoy some people can't make everyone online happy
Eir089 · F
Sorry you felt attacked.. people are just sharing their opinions though 😋

Exactly! Like wtf....
Eir089 · F

It's like getting bitch slapped ..... sorry.....
Oside77 · 46-50, M
It so is!
SuicideScout · 36-40, M
Either you posted something retarded or they're just hateful about that particular subject, or in life in general