DareToSayIT · 31-35, M
On comments I try to spread it around. In messages I keep my interactions limited only to people I know. They are special.
popmol · 26-30, M
@DareToSayIT ooh special people!
DareToSayIT · 31-35, M
@popmol they became special over a long period of time. People earn it.
popmol · 26-30, M
@DareToSayIT i'm glad you found some people who were willing to become special people 🤗
Tumbleweed · F
No but there have been times when I've deeply regretted it.
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popmol · 26-30, M
@Tumbleweed i hope it doesn't happen anymore!
Tumbleweed · F
@popmol yes, I'm very careful what I comment on now...
popmol · 26-30, M
@Tumbleweed well don't worry unless you tell me you want some sexual things from me in your inbox i won't be doing it :) even if you ask i wouldn't know what to send 😂
Sevendays · M
Sort of because I see posts from the same group. If I look to see the people who are online, there are lots that I never see on here.
Nanori · F
Yeah I try to keep it this way
Prettybratbi1tch · 26-30, F
Yeah mostly but I don't mind
popmol · 26-30, M
@Prettybratbi1tch because you have a fun little group?
Prettybratbi1tch · 26-30, F
@popmol yeah
popmol · 26-30, M
@Prettybratbi1tch yay
Justafantasy · M
The occasional unusual one I end up interacting with. I'll comment on most posts that interest me, most ongoing interactions are from a select group however
popmol · 26-30, M
@Justafantasy aah that seems nice!
TheFragile · 46-50, M
I have my favorites, but I'll talk to anyone.
popmol · 26-30, M
@TheFragile how lovely! i think i'm similar!
Lilymoon · F
Pretty much
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Mostly. But I glance at a few others most days to see if they have anything to say that interests me.
popmol · 26-30, M
@ninalanyon ooh I see well I'm glad you found some!
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
@popmol How about you, what is your answer to your question?
popmol · 26-30, M
@ninalanyon i interact mostly with the same people and you have the regulars on my posts like @Tumbleweed i love her and all my other regulars like mr cheesecake lover!
sometimes people come and go but it goes slowly!
sometimes people come and go but it goes slowly!
GeorgeTBH · 31-35, M
pretty much
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
I use the forums heavily.
I use the forums heavily.
mindstruggle · 31-35, F
On posts, depends on topic. On PM, yea, very few.
popmol · 26-30, M
@mindstruggle a select few indeed then!
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
I only ever talk to you my dude.
Everyone else has blocked me.
I'm just waiting on you and then I win!
Everyone else has blocked me.
I'm just waiting on you and then I win!
popmol · 26-30, M
@GeistInTheMachine really? is it that bad? why is everyone blocking you?
you don't seem to be needing blocking!
you don't seem to be needing blocking!
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
@popmol 😉😊😏
popmol · 26-30, M
@GeistInTheMachine i do hope more people talk to you otherwise it would be lonely!