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Dumb question lol

If you think humans go to hell for being sexually confused and acting on it, do you think animals also go to hell for it? People say being gay is unnatural, but male dogs will hump other male dogs. I think other animals do shit like that too. I know they're animals and don't know better. But if it's unnatural and deserves punishment, wouldn't that apply to all creatures?
hunkalove · 61-69, M
Karma applies to all sentient beings. I'm sure alligators get stuck being alligators for thousands of years, and bad snakes too. They don't have any control over their behavior. There is an ancient Buddhist story about the monkey who was going to swim across the river and the scorpion asked for a ride and promised it wouldn't sting the monkey. Halfway across the river it did sting the monkey. As the monkey lay dying on the opposite shore it asked the scorpion why it stung him. The scorpion replied, "I couldnt help it. It was in my nature."

I doubt people go to Hell for sex. But they peobably get reborn as animals.
Blazer420 · 36-40, M
@hunkalove i doubt people go to Hell for sex too lol I have thought of the karma thing and being reborn as animals. Like what if Hitler's punishment is having to comeback as like a dungbeetle or some other gross insect lol who knows.
If it was me, I'd want to come back as the butterfly. Because no one suspects the butterfly!
Adstar · 56-60, M
If you think humans go to hell for being sexually confused and acting on it, do you think animals also go to hell for it?

Nowhere in the scriptures does it say animals go to Hell.. Different beings are held to different standards.. For instance there is a different standard for Angels and People..

People say being gay is unnatural, but male dogs will hump other male dogs.

Why even try to use ""it's natural therefore it is OK" Argument ?? Are ped@'s sexually attracted to kids because they where born with that tenancy or do they just decide one day to desire kids? Could they use the ""it's natural therefore it is OK" Argument?? Or maybe psychopathic thrill killers who get pleasure out of torturing and murdering people.. Can they use the argument that they where born that way and thus it is OK for them to torture and kill people?? Nope Evil is Evil no matter if someone was born that way or they decided to be that way later.. The whole argument that i was born this way is no justification for anything..
Blazer420 · 36-40, M
@Adstar that's true, some people are born with desires that do harm to others. And to act upon those desires is evil.
Those things you described directly cause harm to people who are involved. Where as someone being gay, lesbian, or having sexual desires that don't involve children or nonconsensual pain/sex, doesn't harm anyone since it's done between consenting adults. Because of this I do not believe they're evil, and putting them in the same category as rape, murder, and child molestation is pretty ridiculous.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
There is no hell. And it's not in the Old Testament either.

There is also no such thing as unnatural, we are part of nature. The word is used to avoid arguments about what is moral and what is immoral as though it describes something that can be scientifically determined.

If we accept that animals cannot be moral agents then their behaviour and motivations are not comparable with our own.

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