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Are you stuck in a sunk cost fallacy? which one is it?

robertsnj · 56-60, M
wow great question. When I was younger I had a car I hung on to for too long. I don't think I have any now. I sell software for a living and I have to present Sunk Cost Fallacy at least once a month in busiiness meetings. I kinda disguise it as "cost benefit analysis" in discussion with legacy systems because the connotations are softer but it is S.C.F

It looks like you are college age--I have a degree but I know a few dozen people who flunked out of college as juniors and seniors. By the time they were sophmores, for many of them it was evident they weren't going to make it and school is expsensive.

I think a lot of people do that in the workforce. If more people job hopped, mostly when they are younger they would make more money. Not so much for gov jobs or if you one lands their dream job but for most people that is true.
popmol · 26-30, M
@robertsnj i mean cost benefit only goes so far!


i'm not sure about all that :p
robertsnj · 56-60, M
@popmol if i use sunk cost, even when it the correct term, it hurts my sales process. I have to be careful with my word choice. it is balancing act of making own their situation and accusational in nature.
popmol · 26-30, M
@robertsnj i know. i just meant in some cases using thatn ame ina positive is terrible as the longer you stay in the pricier it was to change
I don't think so. Of course I'm not sure what that is...
popmol · 26-30, M
@SW-User no its not how i was meant to be and by nature i want everyone to be happy.
issue is i'm constantly in my mind struggling between being bitter and not wanting to bother others with my bitterness. being annoyed because its not fair they made me bitter but others are innocent in all this.

Are you really all alone in your personal life? I don't mean people on the internet. No understanding grandparents? No best school chum? I'd not like to know SW is all you have. All you think you deserve.
popmol · 26-30, M
@SW-User i have some friends but none on a psychological i need help or do you understand level, my best friend is same as me but is bitter towards everyone and glosses over or only jokes about it. we constantly joke about death.

both of us don't want to learn how to drive because both of us would just quickly turn the wheel and crash.

some family memebers understand but its not like they can do anything about.

plus i don't like airing my stuff as it could sour others days.
going back to the i don't want to ruin others days because of my misfortune.

the psychologists over the years did not help either.
It was hard, but letting it all go was the start of a revelation for me.
popmol · 26-30, M
@OogieBoogie the revelation was the cool stuff if it helped!

aah in my case i constantly think about death so maybe its different as its a permanent easy solution to every wordly problem.
Most of my fear came from having something and maintaining it! absolutely terrifying that is!
@popmol the revelation is that change is inevitable - and that we can't base ourselves on what we have/own/keep.

The more we have ....the more we want ....the more we spend time over trying to keep 'it' , or upgrading to better 'its'.

When so many of those 'its' mean nothing in the long run🤷
popmol · 26-30, M
@OogieBoogie well i mean if yo uare materialistic, we are all pretty much dragons. as long as there's one who hoards like a dragon the others will too !

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