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Just gone 2 in the morning gotta be up at 6 and i cant sleep 😌😔

vetguy1991 · 51-55, M
Hate that feeling
Hgingat · 18-21, F
Fluffybull · F
Know what you mean - it's nearly 3 here and I'm getting up at 6.30 😥
RVLPreborn · M
Say hello to your night terrors for me
IWasCallingYaLarry · 26-30, M
I hope everything with you is all right.
Yea I never can sleep good either it gets annoying
cotheo · 56-60, M
pretty young lady, you are
LondonCowboy · 51-55, M
You look great though 💝
Barny52 · 56-60, M
your young you can do it
Stevve · M
I struggle sleeping too😒
Uncfred · 61-69, M
I know that feeling well.. . .
TheotherAndy · 41-45, M
Barny52 · 56-60, M
thats not good
Pretzel · 61-69, M
Bang5luts · M
That's because you're eyes are open

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