BlueVeins · 22-25
alas, that's the way of life. none of us know our or anyone else's expiration dates. maybe it's easier if leaving isn't by choice. I haven't really thought about that a whole lot. anyway, about all you can do is enjoy what you can and do while you've got it, cuz the hour glass will empty out soon enough.
Imsleepy · 31-35
The ones that leave were never really your friends. You’re better off without those types of people, honestly. It’s hard to find the true ones who stick by you no matter what.
tsukushiwana · 22-25, T
@Imsleepy I’m yet to find those people apparently then
Dadbod52 · 56-60, M
If your memorable they will come back
Spoiledbrat · F
The trick is to be self sufficient. Not that that’s easy.
tsukushiwana · 22-25, T
Self sufficient?@Spoiledbrat
Spoiledbrat · F
Yes self reliant. @tsukushiwana
They are shallow. Or you smell.