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well? :)...

What are you up to?

I'm feeling sleepy and it's only 9:35 pm!
Rambler · M
I am relaxing and reading and staying’s cold outside
Lolitsm · 26-30, F
Sounds good, I'll check it out :)

Lolitsm · 26-30, F
@TheCoolestCat YES!! What's it called?
TheCoolestCat · 31-35, M
ill pm you, have to give you my real name
rottenrobi · 56-60, F
1:45pm here. Just got back from a walk and am going to eat leftovers and relax.
Lolitsm · 26-30, F
Sounds lovely! Enjoy @rottenrobi
rottenrobi · 56-60, F
@Lolitsm I shall enjoy the afternoon. Thank you.
I might even take a little nap. Lol.
Enjoy your evening too.
Lolitsm · 26-30, F
@rottenrobi You should. It's boxing day, take all the naps you need. :)

And thank you x
TheCoolestCat · 31-35, M
dying from a cold, yea its like 10 to 10 now but if i go to sleep now ill be up at some ungodly hour in the morning
Lolitsm · 26-30, F
Oh nooo! Have you tried drinking Lemsip? I hope you're resting in bed, sending you lots of get well soon wishes!

JustADnDNerd · 36-40, M
Trying to fix a dresser that somehow broke while I was putting away laundry.
Lolitsm · 26-30, F
Oh no! Any progress? @JustADnDNerd
JustADnDNerd · 36-40, M
@Lolitsm I threw in the towel.
Pretzel · 61-69, M
sitting my butt on the couch for another day :)
Lolitsm · 26-30, F
Well deserved 😆 Enjoy!

Ingwe · F
deleting old posts and so on
Lolitsm · 26-30, F

JRVanguard · 26-30, M
Watching American football with my dad
Lolitsm · 26-30, F
Never heard of them. I am into European football, do you watch it?

JRVanguard · 26-30, M
@Lolitsm I don’t regularly follow it but I’ve seen tons of it
@JRVanguard oh god a cheese head
Tryingtomoveforward · 36-40, M
Heading to bed!
xRedx · M
Out for a walk
TJNewton · M
Watching you tube and it's actually 9:45 pm
Lolitsm · 26-30, F
I assume you're from the UK too @TJNewton
TJNewton · M
@Lolitsm Correct

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