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Casheyane · 31-35, F
Mentally? Physically? Spiritually?
wackidywack · 26-30
@Casheyane mentally. Physically
Casheyane · 31-35, F
@wackidywack Good sleep, eat healthy, exercise to sweat.
Mentally, read encouragements and affirmations.
Sometimes we're too worn down by things, we lose hope for the future. In those moments, choose to be strong anyway. One step at a time. Next thing you know, you've crossed an ocean you didn't know you were meant to survive to thrive.
It sucks sometimes. But hang in there. One day, one day it might just get better if you don't give up on you.
Mentally, read encouragements and affirmations.
Sometimes we're too worn down by things, we lose hope for the future. In those moments, choose to be strong anyway. One step at a time. Next thing you know, you've crossed an ocean you didn't know you were meant to survive to thrive.
It sucks sometimes. But hang in there. One day, one day it might just get better if you don't give up on you.