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I Will Answer Anything You Ask

Everyone does this, so I thought I would too. Ask me anything and I'll answer honestly in the comments.
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RisingVirginia · 31-35, F
Thank you for noticing! I am a very complex person, I'm ancient minded, and open sex and same gender sex was very common in the old old days. Basically I came from nothing, a disaster of a childhood, so when I was about 10 I realized I wanted to figure out this world for myself and I researched and learned and thought for hours, and developed my views and opinions which have evolved but not changed. So I view the world and do what I believe to be righteous, always- and that is all we can ask for from anyone in my opinion. But yes, my ideals are all over the place but all come from logic and moral and sense, and come together nicely to form... Me. :)
RisingVirginia · 31-35, F
I love spicy food, because it makes me feel alive. I love swearing from eating spicy food, feels so good. I have two middle names they are Lynn and Faith.
RisingVirginia · 31-35, F
Because I don't believe in keeping innocent animals in jail (which is essentially exactly what a zoo is to them) they belong in the wild. I do agree with the zoos who take animals who can't survive in the wild, rescued animals, but those are usually the smaller zoos. Those, I won't mind taking my children to, the big ones however or places like Marine Land or Sea World, never. Same with the circus. I'm big on animal rights.
RisingVirginia · 31-35, F
That would be my cat Zero. He is my favorite creature of all. Because he is my heart. <3
RisingVirginia · 31-35, F
My name is RisingVirginia, VIRGINIA, as in my name. 😒
RisingVirginia · 31-35, F
Single. Favourite season is Autumn.
RisingVirginia · 31-35, F
I do not have a favourite animal nor do I support zoos!
UserNameSW · 46-50, M
'Everybody loves Marineland' except the animals
RisingVirginia · 31-35, F
I use homemade organic toothpaste, that I make for myself. My second favourite movie is I Remember Mama (1948) and I'm currently in linen pants and an organic hemp tank top. :)
ElephantLady · 46-50, F
I Remember Mama is a very good movie, I have never met a young person who knew of this film! I have a question, how are you so incredible? 👍🏻
Showaddict · 70-79, M
Rising "Virginia" .... Jeez you guys !
You know what Stevie Wonder said don't you ?
"I'll stop when I need glasses". ....

Obviously applies here!!!
RisingVirginia · 31-35, F
My favorite show right now is Game of Thrones (second is Vikings though) and Ben Hur is my favorite movie.
AllTheFairies · 36-40, F
What's your favorite tv show right now? What's your favorite movie of all time? :)
Cinnamon · 31-35, F
Wow Rising, what a great answer! Hope to get to know you more on here.
Cinnamon · 31-35, F
I am surprised that you both posted a, to me, over the top conservative view about wives' duties to husbands, and a story about realizing you are bi and wanting a husband who will be OK with you having a lesbian lover on the side. I've never met anyone who held such seemingly conflicting views! Can you give me a little background to help me understand better where you're coming from? :)
aldnazmeister · 56-60, M
What are you looking for in a partner?
AllTheFairies · 36-40, F
I was talking to RisingVirginia though lol haha Vikings of my fav too tho!
AshleeBashlee · 31-35, F
Do you like spicy food and why?
Flenflyys · 31-35, F
Nunlover omg that's how I was reading it too 🙈😂
AshleeBashlee · 31-35, F
And what's your middle name? :)
That's a pretty name Virginia 😜
HoraceGreenley · 61-69, M
Nun - no argument from me.
HoraceGreenley · 61-69, M
Flen - It's not a tumor!
I swear to god flyys ,I think I need glasses lol
MichellyM · 41-45, F
What kind of toothpaste do you use? What's your second favourite movie? What are you wearing right now?
RisingVirginia · 31-35, F
Oh, I am not so incredible Ma'am, just a girl. But thank you.
EmmasMama · 36-40, F
Which is your favorite four-legged creature and why?
RisingVirginia · 31-35, F
My favourite food is any kind (mostly) of fruit.
IamDave · 61-69, M
What are you going to watch on TV tonight?
EmmasMama · 36-40, F
Aw that's the sweetest answer!
md09john316 · 36-40, M
What is your favorite food?
UserNameSW · 46-50, M
Favourite colour?
UserNameSW · 46-50, M
Favourite season?
LisaGerome · 41-45, F
What is your favorite zoo animal?
Flenflyys · 31-35, F
@horace you know 😂😂😂
RisingVirginia · 31-35, F
No, I have no siblings.
aldnazmeister · 56-60, M
Are you married, dating or single?
RisingVirginia · 31-35, F
Flenflyys · 31-35, F
Who is your daddy and what does he do?
AllTheFairies · 36-40, F
Oh? Why don't you support zoos! I love the zoo lol
HoraceGreenley · 61-69, M
RV - I had cyber sex a few times with this one girl. It ruined things, as we ended up never meeting.
tiggerandariel13 · 46-50, MVIP
do you have any brothers or sisters
sissyboyteen · 22-25, M
would you ever date a crossdresser or drag queen
It's in our mouths we need it Horace 😜
RisingVirginia · 31-35, F
Blood red. ;)
lordnolo · 36-40, M
What are your views on cyber sex?
Maybe the bullies needed glasses too ?
Risingvagina is your name so I was just curious lol
RisingVirginia · 31-35, F
Thank you. I got bullied a LOT at school about my name, they would all call me "vagina".
from which body parts you suck bloodh ?

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