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billybob69 · 61-69
so what’s your aim now your over 500 followers ?

It's not about number of followers , it's about connection .

What are 500 people you never even know, worth? - compared to 20 people you do know ?

Friendship takes effort . Numbers of Followers is just a bullshit algorithm that makes you feel like you are worthy with no effort put into it .

Followers arent friends .
Connection takes time .
Don't depend on a site to feel your worth .
@OogieBoogie that sounds more like a statement than a question? but good to know thanks !
@JustAnotherDamagedGirl yes, I'm sorry , it was a statement .

People get too hing up on numbers as opposed to quality and then wonder why their life has no meaning or they are bored .
Lilnonames · F
@OogieBoogie yes it does as we both know. U won't always agree but still be friends👍
SarahB · 36-40, F
How often do you masturbate and do you usually use a toy or just fingers?
pdockal · 56-60, M
@pdockal Just went so I'm good for now ! thanks for asking 💋
pdockal · 56-60, M

Maybe i should have asked where in the school do you Masturbate & where @ work so you Masturbate ??????
ThickMadame · 51-55, FVIP
How long have you been a member here?

That sounds like a safe question to ask.
Jamie101 · 22-25
@ThickMadame haha yes exactly
luckranger71 · 51-55, M
Why is it completely inappropriate to put ketchup on hotdogs or really any tubed meat?
luckranger71 · 51-55, M
@JustAnotherDamagedGirl No, but it's often cornbread crust, which is just as fucked up. 😂
splendid · 41-45, M
@JustAnotherDamagedGirl I'm with you! It does look disgusting...
Montanaman · M
@luckranger71 😆👍😎
Montanaman · M
Would you tell me something about you that nobody else knows? A secret thought? A secret desire? A song that totally gets you? A movie that you've watched a dozen times? A book that doesn't bore you?
A poem that makes you melt?
A scent that brings decadent thoughts?
A good dream that you had and can never forget?
Your darkest thoughts?
Your most vulnerable time in your life?
Something that is out of the ordinary SW questions here?
I'm fascinated with anything but the ordinary.
-Montana 😎

I guess that I'm not interesting enough to answer 😕 🤔 🤷 🙃
Stephanidunord · 18-21, F
Ever had pregnancy scares ?
@Stephanidunord I think everyone's had scares at some time
Kirin4OTK · 70-79, M
Congratulations on 500!!!

[image deleted]
Pretzel · 61-69, M
I just added you.
pdockal · 56-60, M
How often do you go commando ?
pdockal · 56-60, M

Bet you look scrumptious that way
Wish i could see !
This message was deleted by its author.
pdockal · 56-60, M


Do you ever wear anything sheer while commando ?
billybob69 · 61-69
have you had any of your panties, bras stolen, any suspensions who it was
@billybob69 I've never had any bra's or panties stolen that I know about , I've lost them a couple times 😳 lol
billybob69 · 61-69
@JustAnotherDamagedGirl cool thanks 👍👍
oldercanuck1 · 70-79, M
how are you damaged
oldercanuck1 · 70-79, M
@JustAnotherDamagedGirl ok been nice you take care
@oldercanuck1 👍🏻 you too
oldercanuck1 · 70-79, M
@JustAnotherDamagedGirl thank you bye
FreeSpirit1 · 51-55, F
Beer or weed.... Or both?
rachelsj · 22-25, F
@JustAnotherDamagedGirl bourbon straight for me
@rachelsj Bourbon sounds fancy!
rachelsj · 22-25, F
@JustAnotherDamagedGirl Kentucky whiskey yeehaw lol
DeeBee · M
Do you reply to all dm's?
@DeeBee Your Welcome ! tbh i think I'm a very boring person to talk to, I'm way better with questions than just trying to be interesting plus i can be really confusing to someone who doesn't understand my weird brain lol
DeeBee · M
@JustAnotherDamagedGirl Not a problem,appreciate your time!
Babaloo64 · 41-45, M
1490wayb · 56-60, M
you need tell us how more you have since this post🤪
@1490wayb How more ? how more what ?
1490wayb · 56-60, M
@1490wayb I'm at 517 now so 18 new friends 😘
ExtremeNext · 31-35
Do you have a 3rd nipple 🤔 I have heard things 🙄
@ExtremeNext Not that ive ever noticed but maybe the people you heard things from know something i dont ?
ExtremeNext · 31-35
@JustAnotherDamagedGirl that could be it 🤔
accidentprone · 22-25, M
Have you ever wet or messed in your pants on purpose?
dayalllost · 36-40, M
Tried to send DM

But, what are you looking for/wanting most?
Isn't followers on SW completely meaningless anyway? It gets you fame within the community but its only shallow consideer this place has only a few thousand tops compared to the millions that tikky tokky and the book of faces as well as instant grams not to mention the letter X (used to be known as Birb) have
Jamie101 · 22-25
Its wierd... somebody says I can ask anything I want and I cant figure out what to ask. Every time I think of one, it's like ... no that's dumb...
Oh well
@Jamie101 It’s always good to go with your first instinct 😆
oldercanuck1 · 70-79, M
@JustAnotherDamagedGirl some times ,,,
Jamie101 · 22-25
@JustAnotherDamagedGirl Yah probably. Then I read the questions people already asked and I thought, well those aren't amazing haha
DiegoWolfe · 36-40
i would love to be friends!!!
FatherTime · 61-69, M
@FatherTime Is there a reason I should wanna pm ?
FatherTime · 61-69, M
@JustAnotherDamagedGirl pm me and find out ;)
Jimmy2016 · 61-69, M
🤔..............Do you like women?
@Jimmy2016 I don't discriminate Its how someone is not what they are 🥰
PhilDeep · 51-55, M
This is hilarious. It's just a number, after all. I have no idea what mine is and I'm not going to look, either 🤓
@PhilDeep That's very deep Phil !
PhilDeep · 51-55, M
@JustAnotherDamagedGirl I guess there's honesty in our usernames ;-)
@PhilDeep Honesty's the best policy 😇
NerdySoph · 26-30, F
This is from October 1st and it showed up on my home page.
So i will ask.
Since smurfs are blue, what color do they turn into if they're choked?
@NerdySoph Purple of course 😈
NerdySoph · 26-30, F
@JustAnotherDamagedGirl I think that actually makes sense 😅
@JustAnotherDamagedGirl well, this sounds like you know from experience haha
Barny52 · 56-60, M
Have you passed 500 now ?
Lostpoet · M
😠Who hurt you?!
@Lostpoet just about everyone hurts me eventually , its ok though I'm used to it
Just saw this n know it’s old.

What advice or talking to would you give yourself at say 14 (or someone else at that age, askin for a friend).
@Chrisscolours I’d say “ Don’t believe what they say, most of them are lying’
My inspirational words for your friend 👍🏻
@JustAnotherDamagedGirl thank you, I can reflect with your name, happy Saturday
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Houdini · 56-60, M
Could you tie me up so that I couldn’t get away and use me
Houdini · 56-60, M
@JustAnotherDamagedGirl ok that’s a shame.
Lostlostlost · 51-55, M
@JustAnotherDamagedGirl I would be happy to tie you up
@Lostlostlost I do like making people happy !
SinlessOnslaught · 26-30, M
Do you think there's a city somewhere full of werewolves, and those werewolves have rumors of wolves that turn into humans during the daytime?
SinlessOnslaught · 26-30, M
Do you ever fantasize about a dinosaur and a giant gorilla using a cavewoman as a volleyball?
@SinlessOnslaught nope , i think you may be the only one whos thought of that one 💀
SinlessOnslaught · 26-30, M
@JustAnotherDamagedGirl Get on my level
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M

How do i get my swiss cream filling to not break?
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
@JustAnotherDamagedGirl as I was beating it it got grainy. Maybe i should have taken the torch to it to warm some of the butter. It was nummy though.
@Tastyfrzz I though torches were for finding your way through dark caves?
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
@JustAnotherDamagedGirl any heat will do but those kind are too smoky. Leave a taste of burning pitch.
💋 i feel happy and at same time a little embarrassed about why im feeling happy !
Spidergrrr · 26-30, M
@JustAnotherDamagedGirl Its perfectly ok with how you feel
pdockal · 56-60, M

Why are you happy & embarrassed?
BearDownChicago · 41-45, M
That is the best mentality. If you don’t like what you hear don’t answer. I tend to do the 20 questions might turn into more all depends
SinlessOnslaught · 26-30, M
Why do you have one semi-nude on your profile?
@SinlessOnslaught I'm not sure what you mean ? technically I'm semi-nude in all of them
SinlessOnslaught · 26-30, M
@JustAnotherDamagedGirl https://similarworlds.com/JustAnotherDamagedGirl/photo?pid=2364470
SinlessOnslaught · 26-30, M
@JustAnotherDamagedGirl I was drunk and didn't mean to sound rude. 😆 Sorry.

What job do you have and do you enjoy it?
lpthehermit · 56-60, M
nearing 600 it appears, post some more and you will have thousand
@lpthehermit I would but can never think about anything to post tbh 🤐
lpthehermit · 56-60, M
@JustAnotherDamagedGirl funny or embarasing moments. we are always hungry for a sexcapade haha
SinlessOnslaught · 26-30, M
Why haven't you messaged me?
SinlessOnslaught · 26-30, M
@JustAnotherDamagedGirl idk if you don't want to then that's okay. I just thought maybe I would get a chance.
@SinlessOnslaught I dont really like talking to people who say right on their profile they are going to annoy the shit out of me ?lol
SinlessOnslaught · 26-30, M
@JustAnotherDamagedGirl It's a joke, calm down.
Sw followers don’t make you any money
@SW-User maybe your just doing it wrong ?
@JustAnotherDamagedGirl no I just have self respect
@SW-User I'm happy for you !
SinlessOnslaught · 26-30, M
If uruk-hai are immortal then do you think they still suffer health effects from drinking so much grog?
Fawma123 · 46-50, M
Would you like bigger breasts
@Fawma123 Yes please 💋
Fawma123 · 46-50, M
@JustAnotherDamagedGirl are my wife's breasts in profile pic the size you want
@Fawma123 no 🙄 weird you would think i would ?🤨
lpthehermit · 56-60, M
do you like receiving and answer private messages??
@lpthehermit Yep ,, usually
Jamie101 · 22-25
what's your favorite outfit or article of clothing
@Jamie101 Depends on my mood or who I’m trying to impress 🥳
SarahB · 36-40, F
Last time you masturbated? Toy or fingers?
@SarahB Today , both
Spidergrrr · 26-30, M
There you go i became your 500th follower.How do you feel?
OldBrit · 61-69, M
Burst through the 500 now I see.

How do you feel about that?
Pretzel · 61-69, M
did you ever get to your 500?
@Pretzel yep 523 now
Pretzel · 61-69, M
Montanaman · M
You should read her about me.👍🤗
@Montanaman Yay sounds like you did 🤣
Montanaman · M
@JustAnotherDamagedGirl Yes, I always do 👍🤗🤗😎❤️
misterhat · M
What are you up to
@misterhat 96 lbs last time I checked 🙃
misterhat · M
@JustAnotherDamagedGirl hahaha that’s funny

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