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I Will Answer Any Question

This seems like it'll be fun.
Fire away kiddos
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What's your favorite song?
Nice. Mine is honestly by Kelly Clarkson.
Anubi · 26-30, F
Haven't heard that song but I do like Kelly Clarkson ~
I'll have to check it out sometime :)
Please do.
Can I ask a question?
I don't know! I didn't think I'd get this far. D:
Anubi · 26-30, F
Aw hey it's cool. If you think of something later, let me know :3
I got it! What is your favorite color? :O
what is your most personal possession you keep in your bedroom?
what is in your 3lb journal?
Anubi · 26-30, F
It's filled with all the strange dreams I had, any confusing feelings or hard times I was trying to work through and my future goals and plans.

It's a wonder how it got so damn heavy from just that xD
OK, so where are all these stories about weird dreams? i joined that group. wish I had more stuff to fill it with. what's your weirdest dream you remember?
Would you say that you are very open minded?
Anubi · 26-30, F
Yes. Yes I most definitely would xD
Good ;). I for sure am too. If you are looking for someone to talk, i'd for sure would like to get to know you.
Got any tats? If so, what and where! :)
Related to that, do you have any piercings? Or want any?
Anubi · 26-30, F
I just have the standard ear piercing - but I'm totally saving up for an eyebrow piercing!

At some point I might also want either a nose piercing or a lip piercing
Ah nice.. lip piercings are not necessarily among my favourite ones. Hoped you would also mention nipple ones ;)
Have you ever stepped on something so hot it made you hop and dance around? 😆
Lololololol! You got a hotfoot from an egg???? That's absolutely classic!
Anubi · 26-30, F
Ehehe yeah. I've burned myself on hard boiled eggs several times xD
You know what? I'm still stuck on your description of yourself hopping around like a cartoon! That is so awesome! 😆😆😆😆😆
Are you ticklish if so where
Anubi · 26-30, F
I'm super ticklish aha
Definately my stomach, I'mma screech like a banshee if you try xD
Awesome answer thanks for answering my question
Anubi · 26-30, F
Hey no problemo~ :)
Do you dangle your shoes
Anubi · 26-30, F
Hmm? I'm not sure what you mean.
Like do you dangle your shoes off your toes
do you or would you like to watch nude men perform for you?

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