I think many voices in my storyline hates Nova and what he did at the Bar.
Many years ago, Nova is the Father of Steven. He also work as a samurai assassin. Well...
there's very few pigs left in the Universe due to the Lack of Population in the Cheetoriah's Universe. Their population is rank lower than the lions and dead last.
My guess....only 300 or more survived through the Dictatorship of the Lion's Universe years ago.
Well, there was an incident happen at the Bar between the Assassin and the Drunk Pig.
Ever since Nova murdered him, Nova was blasted by every mainstream media in the Cheetoriah Planet. This is where death threats coming tours Nova.
Just because it was wrong to finish the Job to kill off pig's Populations. It's kind of like a George Floyd situation when the Drunk Pig started shlt in the first place.
there's very few pigs left in the Universe due to the Lack of Population in the Cheetoriah's Universe. Their population is rank lower than the lions and dead last.
My guess....only 300 or more survived through the Dictatorship of the Lion's Universe years ago.
Well, there was an incident happen at the Bar between the Assassin and the Drunk Pig.
Ever since Nova murdered him, Nova was blasted by every mainstream media in the Cheetoriah Planet. This is where death threats coming tours Nova.
Just because it was wrong to finish the Job to kill off pig's Populations. It's kind of like a George Floyd situation when the Drunk Pig started shlt in the first place.
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