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This sounds really weird but Its my way of rememering my grandmother

As many already know , I started horse riding lessons at around age 10 years old. My grandmother once had her own horse back in the day , she would often tell me stories about it. For christmas , I had recieved some jodphurs ( riding bottoms ) that my grandmother had brought me. She brought an adult size 16 by accident , as you can guess , those were really big on me. They were my first ever pair of jodphurs. Back in the day when tesco used to sell equestrain wear. I still wore them every week until I got more pairs. My grandmother had reduced mobility , getting out were an challenge for her but she still managed to go on the bus into town for me. When it came to competing , those were very lucky. I seemed to do well whilst wearing them. I know that sounds weird but I remember the day my grandmother passed away , I were at an show and I had won an rosette in an lot of rounds for different disciplines. It wasnt until after the show , we recieved the call. Unfourntely , I didnt get to say goodbye because she passed away before we got to the hospital. I were heartbroken I didnt get to show her my winnings. Ever since , I still wore those jodphurs for shows and I always did well. To this day , they still fit me and are still too big for me but I always seem to have an really nice ride in the park whilst wearing them and I seem to get an lot of good luck that day too. I do have loads of other pairs now , I dont wear them every time but I still never could bring myself to get rid of them.
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YoMomma ·
Lucky tights eh.. tho not so tight it seems 😊 i miss my grandma too.. she never got to see my brother's four daughters .. er unless you believe people can look down from heaven at us then yeah she can 😊

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