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One group of people who my heart breaks for are...

...people who were extremely abused and, as a result, developed coping mechanisms that are not compatible with being a functional and independent person nor maintaining healthy relationships.

This has got to be one of the worst things that can happen to a person.

They're damn near incapable of making good decisions so their life is in constant turmoil and, on top of this, they are also incapable of keeping bonds with people that could form a support group for them.

Isolated and ruined. Like a dumpster fire so noxious that no one can get close enough to extinguish it.

Sucks 😞.

I went to school and worked with a person like this. Came to know her quite well. She always had some catastrophe going on and would make sure we all knew about it. Anyone who tried to help ended up getting drained because it was like pouring water into a bucket with a hole in it; she couldn't use the help to help herself.

Her constant operation on the level of survival instinct also led to some pretty selfish tendencies that could become irritating and tiring.

Very little ability to recognize her own role in her troubles. Was always someone elses fault. It was such a persistent delusion because stuff that happened to her early in life really wasn't her fault, it's just she never moved on from that headspace it seemed. She came to lean on it like a crutch.

I hope she's doing better now.
That's what makes child abuse so despicable...you've broken them from the start

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